Local Elections 2015
(8 May) Conservatives retain Hartley district council seats The result was announced about 5.45pm.
Gaywood (Cons) 2,380
Abraham (Cons) 2,272
Kelly (Cons) 1,921
Sewell (UKIP) 1,250
Rejected ballots 121 (110 blank/uncertain, 11 too many crosses)
Turnout 75%
With multimember seats percentages are hard to work out but if we average the Conservative vote to 2,191 then they got 63.7% and UKIP 36.3%. On this basis Conservatives are down 6.1% on the 2011 poll, UKIP up 36.3% and Labour (who didn't stand this time) down 30.2%.
The average number of votes per elector was 2.23, which suggests a lot of people know how to vote when their preferred candidate is not part of a slate of 3 (that is, if supporters of Mr Sewell voted for him and then 2 conservatives, that is one vote for him but two against, so in those circumstances it would be more effective to use just 1 vote). It may be that some were also only voting for the two Conservatives who actually lived in Hartley.
Overall Sevenoaks remains a virtual one party state with 49 Conservatives, 2 Libdems, 1 Labour, 1 UKIP, 1 Independent.
"Hartley First" announce their manifesto The group have circulated a leaflet, which presumably is the one they would have sent if it were a contested election.
* Look for funding for Chantry Avenue and Longfield Hill play areas
* Open new burial ground when the existing one is full
* Ensure Hartley continues to have a library
* Oppose "unsuitable" development
* Continue to provide youth facilities
They also promise "to strive to maintain ... expenditure at below inflation or less" (from 2011-2014 the parish precept (amount of money collected by the parish council in tax) has risen by 17% compared with 9% for the cost of living in general).
Candidates Announced Only 4 candidates declared for the 3 seats of Hartley and Hodsoll Street ward on Sevenoaks Council. Even the conservatives appear to have had difficulty in finding their slate of 3 because one of their candidates does not live in Hartley. The candidates are: Larry Abraham (Con), James Gaywood (Con), John Kelly (Con), Vince Sewell (UKIP).
No election for Hartley Parish Council Only 12 candidates for Hartley Council's 13 seats (they will be able to fill the vacancy by co-option after the election). All but 2 are existing councillors (one of the two is a former councillor) and all are from the middle of the village. The candidates are: Larry Abraham, Christopher Alford, Sheila Bennett, Roger Burchell, Jane Burns, Penny Cole, David Graeme, Ann Oxtoby, Brian Ramsay, Vince Sewell, Andrew Tremain, Dorothy Vesey. All are from the ruling 'party' Hartley First.
Posted on 11 Apr 2015 by administrator