Parish Council:
The meeting ran from 7.30pm to 8pm. All councillors but Cllr Mrs Cole were in attendance. They voted to coopt Carol Beaman to the council vacancy, who had previously applied in 2013 when Cllr Vesey was appointed. She volunteered to join the Burial Grounds Committee
Parish Council Meeting
Roads: Hartley Bottom Road
Cllr Brazier of KCC said he had been asked about the closure of bridge over the railway. It is due to be closed until December 2017, but he thinks it will be reopened sooner.
Parish Council Meeting
Roads: Manor Road
Cllr Brazier of KCC said flooding outside Manor Farm had been sorted out.
Parish Council Meeting
Manor Field: Football
Hartley de Sales requested a cut in rent of the pitches from £1,800 to £1,500 because the number of teams has fallen from 6 to 4. The Committee had originally agreed subject to the football clubs marking out the pitches themselves, However at the full council meeting Cllr Vesey said they had run into problems with insurance. Other councillors raised concerns about use of supplies and the fact it is part of Mr Munday's existing contract. Therefore the motion was lost 10-0.
Parish Council Meeting
Manor Field: Bench
Council decided to spend a bequest on a new bench here
Parish Council Meeting
Manor Field: Entrance
Council agreed to request from Cricket Club for a sign at the entrance
Parish Council Meeting
Manor Field: Pavilion
They agreed to accept the following quotation (1) Caches Limited to service annually the 2 boilers and 1 water heater (£470), (2) Hartley Electricians for electrical installation report (£250), (3) Sixpence Company to repair door of Gents (£99)
Parish Council Meeting
Open Spaces: Hoselands Green
Council turned down request for dog bin. Resident said existing bin which was emptied on Tuesday and Thursday is overflowing. Council also decided the current 17 litter bins in Hartley were sufficient.
Parish Council Meeting
Open Spaces: Woodland Avenue
Council accepted quote from Sixpence Company to repair eroded concrete at top entrance gate.
Parish Council Meeting
Open Spaces: Chantry Avenue
Cllr Vesey gave a report on the improvements to the play equipment there. She said they had got views of local residents and users, and that the representative of the Mothers and Toddlers group had been particularly helpful. They will be increasing the mix of equipment so whole families can go there. It will cost £17,400 and their preferred contractor chosen is Park Leisure. Council agreed 12-0 to proceed.
Parish Council Meeting
Council agreed not to object to the removal of the last 2 phone boxes in Hartley
Parish Council Meeting