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Parish Council January Report
Public Questions
(a) Adverse weather gritting - Cllr Brazier (KCC) explained the problems for the county in gritting. Problems include vanishing bins and householders using the salt for their driveways. Use of salt is likely to damage roads, so potholes will need to be reported. He said they do not provide salt to any third party, but thanked the NAG village association for buying their own. He told Cllr Burns they do not have the resource to grit pavements.

(b) Recycling centre - the District Councillors told Cllr Cole that they won't be reinstated in Woodland Avenue.

(c) Springcroft - Mr Senneck asked when the soakaway works would be done. Cllr Brazier said within the next 2 months.

See planning spreadsheet.

HAWK Youth Project
Its meeting of 31 December 2009 heard that Cllr Sewell has secured a room at the Social Club on Thursday evenings for use by the young people of the project for an initial 6 weeks from January. Also Cllr Brazier has used his grant budget to buy the project portable floodlights.

Salt Bins
Kent County Council have approved a new salt bin for Quakers Close but rejected applications at Parkfield and Gorse Way. Their criteria are as follows:
* Gradient: greater than 1 in 15 (75 points); 1 in 15 to 1 in 29 (40 points)
* Severe bend: Yes (60 points)
* Close proximity/falling towards: Road with heavy traffic (90 points), medium traffic (75 points), light traffic (30 points)
* Peak traffic density: moderate (40 points)
* Properties for which only access: 50 + (30 points); 20-50 (20 points) If it includes commercial premises, promote to next highest category
* Is there a substantial elderly/disabled population: Yes (20 points)
120 points are required for the siting of a bin.
Cllr Brazier said he could buy more out of his grant money, but HPC would have to pay for salt to fill the bin at £90 a time. They decided to refer it to the highways committee.

Parish Deposit Facility
Currently HPC receives half its precept from Sevenoaks on 30 April and half on 30 September. No interest is paid. They offered a number of options for putting the money in their deposit account, which currently pays 0.80%. The council agreed to take up this option and be paid in two equal installments on 30 July and 31 December.

Payments of £6,100 for January were agreed.
Posted on 21 Feb 2010 by administrator
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