Parish Council meeting 10 December 2012
1. Present
Cllrs Mrs Oxtoby (chairman), Abraham, Alford (arr 7.39), Mrs Burns, Coates, Glander, Graeme, Horwood, Ramsay, Sewell, Mrs Hoad (clerk), Cllr Brazier (KCC) 7 members of the public.
Apologies: Cllrs Burchell, Mrs Cole, Mrs Fernley, Sewell
Cllr Abraham declared an interest in payments as one is to himself. In discussing dispensations they said that most would need one as residents of Hartley for setting the budget, except for the 2 councillors who do not live in Hartley.
2. Minutes
Minutes of last council meeting were agreed without amendment.
3. Adjournment
Cllr Brazier said he had been requested to put in a pedestrian crossing at Parkfield. He could contribute to one if the PC thought it was worthwhile. Mrs Oxtoby said the bus stops were well used, but Cllr Horwood was concerned about road safety at zebra crossings.
Mr Mayer asked Cllr Brazier whether
Posted on 10 Dec 2012 by administrator