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Hartley Parish Council Meetings 2014

13 January 2014

1. Present

Cllrs Mrs Oxtoby (chairman), Abraham, Burchell, Mrs Burns, Coates, Mrs Cole, Glander, Graeme, Ramsay, Sewell, Vesey

Apologies - Cllrs Alford, Horwood

2. Interests

None were declared

3. Minutes of meeting of 9 December 2013

Were agreed without amendment.

4. Adjournment

Potholes - Cllr Brazier (KCC) said an extra £3 million had been allocated for repairs follwing the bad weather.

Council Tax Support Grant - Cllrs Ramsay and Abraham said none of this would be passed onto the parishes. Further discussion at March meeting

5. General Purposes

The meeting of 16 December discussed the following:

(a) Ash Road - a traffic survey opposite Hartley House found 86% of cars were speeding with average speeds of 35.2 mph (northbound) and 35.6 mph (southbound). Some traffic calming might be possible, the committee felt that more enforcement was needed. They believed people were too intimidated to take part in Speedwatch schemes.

(b) World War 1 Commemoration - they decided to lay wreathes on the graves of those from Hartley who died in WW1. They also decided to publish a booklet about the men on the war memorial.

(c) Parking around the Primary School - the PCSO said they don't have powers of enforcement and police were unavailable to do this. The committee thought PCSOs did.

(d) Streetlights - a resident from Pitfield had expressed concerns that turning off lights there at night would increase crime and anti-social behaviour.

(e) Defibrillator - the council had been offered one by Sevenoaks District Seniors Action Forum who had got lottery funding for 6 new defibrillators across the district. Problems with insurance led them to drop the idea of keeping it in the library, so now they hope to place it in the porch of the Village Hall.

(f) Youth - they received reports from Playplace and CXK Limited. Playplace had delivered 28 youth sessions at 5-6.30pm on Wednesdays between April and November 2013.

(g) Polling Places - they wrote to Sevenoaks Council to say they are happy with the current locations of All Saints' Church Centre and the Scout Hut.

6. Planning

See planning pages.

7. Broadband

They decided to change the BT Broadband package. The old one cost £33.80 per month, while the new one is £32 per month.

8. Payments

Payments for January of £6,518 were agreed.

10 February 2014

1. Present

Cllrs Mrs Oxtoby (chairman), Abraham, Burchell, Mrs Burns, Coates, Mrs Cole, Glander, Ramsay, Sewell, Vesey. Also Cllr Brazier (KCC), Mrs Gilder (clerk), 3 members of the public.

Apologies - Cllrs Alford, Graeme; Absent - Cllr Horwood

2. Interests

None were declared

3. Amenities and Open Spaces

The meeting of 15 January discussed the following:

(a) Gorsewood - local residents from Gorsewood Road raised concerns about some of the council's trees, and also fly tipping of garden waste. Council was advised that an ash tree by The Chase was not dead so they will only monitor it at the moment. Another tree had fallen from private land into the wood; the owner had dealt with the tree but needs to repair the fence. Regarding the fly tipping, they plan a meeting with West Kent Housing, and considered whether to install cameras.

(b) Billings Hill Shaw - fallen ash tree was blocking the footpath. Made safe at a cost of £200. Apple trees in park area to be monitored.

(c) Chantry Avenue - two leaning trees there to be made safe at a cost of £300.

(d) Foxborough Wood - tree on council's land had fallen into the paddock at Hartley Court.

(e) Manor Field - yew tree had fallen at the end of December behind the pavilion. Repairs to watermain crossing the field.

(f) Woodland Avenue - Vandalism of kissing gates opposite Wellfield and at Porchester Close. They agreed to mark out a tennis and rounders pitch again as it had been a success last year.

(g) Manor Field Pavilion - their insurers have asked them to look into maintenance and snow clearance during the winter. Repairs to be undertaken to basin in the Ladies, and rotary fire alarm. They also plan to sue a hirer for non-payment.

(h) Village sign - new sign sent back for improvements has now returned and will be installed in new frame.

(i) Hoselands Hill - following the issue being raised by a member of the public at the HPC meeting, they have agreed to repair the bench on the hill.

4. Finance

The committee met on 22 January, the main purpose of which was to set up a review of the effectiveness of internal audit.

5. General Purposes

The meeting of 22 January discussed the following

(a) Village Hall - council agreed 10-0 to apply to KCC for a grant for blinds and curtains at the hall.

(b) Emergency Planning - council agreed 10-0 to set up a working group consisting of Cllrs Mrs Burns, Abraham, Sewell and Burchell.

6. Planning

For details of planning applications, see Planning Pages.

7. Northfield

The committee of 13 January discussed the following:

(a) Finance - invoices of £240 for weekly inpsections and £75 to empty dog bins. They received £4,243 from the Rural Payments Agency and £2,500 from each parish council.

(b) Hay cutting - 2013 yield was 154 round 4ft 6in bales and 33 silage bales from the wild flower meadow.

(c) New House Shaw - tree risk assessment to be undertaken.

8. HAWK Youth

The committee met on 28 January and will meet one more time on 25 February to wind itself up. They were happy with the youth work provided by Play Place and decided HAWK was no longer effective in meeting the individual requirements of each parish. Cllr Sewell said HAWK's money would be returned to the parishes.

9. Payments

Payments of £12,447 for February were agreed.

10 March 2014

1. Present

Cllrs Mrs Oxtoby (chairman), Abraham, Burchell, Mrs Burns, Coates, Mrs Cole, Glander, Graeme, Ramsay (arr 7.39pm), Sewell, Mrs Vesey. Also Cllr Brazier (KCC), Mrs Gilder (clerk), 4 members of the public.

Apologies - Cllrs Alford, Horwood

2. Interests

Cllr Abraham - payments

3. Minutes

Minutes of meeting of 10 December 2013 were agreed.

4. Public Questions

County Councillor Report - Cllr Brazier mentioned the following items:

(a) Personal Care - KCC support the Dilnot report recommendation that £35,000 should be the maximum people pay.

(b) Roads - they've received £6.2 million from the government for road maintenance to avoid repairs later on. This means they now have £18 million available. Locally Billet Hill and Rogers Wood Road will be repaired.

(c) Youth work - Cllr Burns asked why the contract in Sevenoaks was given to a firm with no track record and against the wishes of the Locality Board? Cllr Brazier thought it was a bad decision too, and has an appointment with the cabinet member to discuss this.

5. Amenities and Open Spaces

The meeting of 5 March discussed the following:

(a) Cricket - council agreed 11-0 to increase the fee to New Ash Green & Hartley CC to use Manor Field by 2% to £1,020 for 2014.

(b) Billings Hill Shaw - Ash tree causing concern to be reduced in height to that of surrounding trees. Contractor to look at tree overhanging boundary opposite 46-50 which has been reported by a resident.

(c) Gorsewood - fallen tree by The Lantern to be made safe (the June meeting found it had cost £250 to do this). Another adjoining resident said they planned to cut back one of council's trees which is overhanging their land. Fly tipping remains a problem. After complaints about the state of the footpaths, the council has spread wood chippings on them.

(d) Woodland Avenue - a larger dog bin is required. A playground inspection has led to some faults being remedied.

(e) Manor Field - they accepted a quote form Complete Weed Control for £1,000 to apply fertilizer, herbicide and sulphate of iron.

(f) Manor Field Pavilion - repairs to hand basin in the Gents. KCC Inspection Services appointed for 1 year to do Portable Appliance Testing. They also agreed to reduce hire fee by 50% for charity event in July for Royal Marsden Hospital.

(g) Allotments - They had raised concerns about the boundary wall in Larksfield. The owner said it had been stabalised 12 years ago and the problem was caused by water from the allotments in the first place. They also rejected an appeal against their decision to terminate the tenancy of plot 23.

(h) Rectory Meadow - new noticeboard at the entrance to Ash Road at cost of £45.

6. Burial Grounds

The committee meeting of 10 February discussed the following:

(a) Burial ground - a number of minor repairs were agreed, including damage to fence panels with Hartley Court during recent storms. They agreed to pay half of the standing and water charges following a letter from the Church Building Committee.

(b) Old Garden of Remembrance - following critical letter in the Hart, the committee agreed to make a number of improvements. A family wanting to replace a bronze plaque was told they would have to pay a treble fee because they no longer lived in Hartley.

(c) New Burial Ground - council agreed 11-0 to pay Baylis Landscape Contractors £1,567 for a new beech hedge, and TD Munday £25 per cut for grass cutting every 1-2 weeks. They deferred decision on laying on water from the pavilion

(d) Layby at All Saints - they agreed to clear mud and leaf mulch.

7. Finance

As well as reviewing a number of financial polies, the committee of 5 March discussed:

(a) Parish Office - they rejected a proposal from the landlord, Kent County Council, that the pending 2011 rent review should be based on the Retail Price Index

(b) Recording Meetings - the government is proposing a law change to give people the right to do this, the council agreed 11-0 to agree with this but they wanted the power to refuse requests.

(c) Council tax support grant - Westerham Town Council are considering a judicial review against the decision of Sevenoaks Council to keep all the money for themselves. Chairman of the council to attend meeting being organised before council decides whether to support Westerham.

8. Northfield

The meeting of 24 February discussed the following:

(a) Payments - of £1,178 were agreed, made up of grass cutting (£998) and weekly visual inspections (£180).

(b) Caling Croft and Farm Holt entrance - they are looking at improvements to improve access in wet weather, including cinders and concrete apron

(c) Hay Cutting - contract for 2014-16 to be awarded to Messrs Glovers. They will be able to fertilise the land with the agreement of the committee, excepting the wild flower meadow.

9. Payments

Payments of £9,061 for March were agreed.

14 April 2014

1. Present

All parish councillors, Cllr Brazier (Kent County Council), Mrs Hoad (clerk), 3 members of the public.

2. Interests


3. Minutes

Minutes of meeting of 10 March 2014 were agreed.

4. Public Questions

(a) District Councillor Reports -

(i)Remembrance Sunday - Cllr Abraham said he raised the issue of traffic control with the police at the Scrutiny Board but doesn't think they will change their mind.

(ii)Asset Sales - Cllr Ramsay said they will embark on a second tranche. The income from receipts helps them when their revenue support grant is only a third of 3 years ago.

Home Insulation Grants - Cllr Mrs Cole reported on a £4 million government grant for a scheme in Dartford and Sevenoaks.

5. Burial Grounds

The committee met on 7 April and discussed the following:

(a) All Saints' Churchyard - the committee have told the church that while the parish council is responsible for the boundary, they do not think they have to look after the ornamental hedge and flower bed at the front.

(b) Planned burial ground - Ash Parish Council have asked if it could be a joint burial ground. While not rejecting the idea, the committee didn't seem to be very keen on the idea. They recommended and council agreed 13-0 to go with a quote of £2,944 from Ian J Paternoster to build a 100m long fence 1.2m high, to separate the separately owned 20 foot strip from the rest of the field by Foxborough Wood.

6. Planning

For details of planning applications, see Planning Pages. The committee was also informed that the new Community Infrastructure Levy for qualifying developments in Hartley will be £75 per square metre.

7. Standing Orders

The council adopted a new set of Standing Orders.

8. World War 1 Commemorations

A project team met on 17 March and decided that they would publish 1,000 copies of a booklet about the war memorial and the names on it. It would be available free but with a request for a donation to the British Legion. They also plan an event at Hartley Green and the Village Hall on 20 July. They hope to get grant money to cover the cost.

9. Payments

Payments for April of £9,785 were agreed.

12 May 2014

1. Present

All parish councillors except Cllr Horwood (apologies), Cllr Brazier (Kent County Council), Mrs Hoad (clerk), 4 members of the public.

2. Interests


4. Election of chairman and committees

Mrs Oxtoby was unanimously re-elected as chairman, as was Cllr Abraham as vice chairman.

5. Public Questions

(a) Fawkham Valley Road - Cllr Abraham asked Cllr Brazier what had been done on the road to justify a 2 week closure. He said one of the utilities had also taken advantage of the closure to do works.

(b) Hartley Library - Cllr Burns asked him why most notices have been removed from the library - is this a ruse to hasten closure as it looks sterile now. Cllr Oxtoby said all reference books and leaflets had been removed too. Cllr Burns said they can't even have the Hart magazine there. Cllr Coates said the rules were probably in place in the past (but presumably not enforced). Cllr Brazier said the previous plans to close all the local libraries have been abandoned. They are now looking for a private operator to run the libraries. He regreted that people impute the worst motives to the council, one council replied they have worked for KCC before so they know how it works.

(c) Annual Parish Meeting - Dr Roberts raised concerns about lack of publicity for Friday's meeting, she said there is nothing about it on the council noticeboards at Hoselands Green or Hartley Church. Mrs Hoad promised to remedy this.

6. Appointments of councillors to Committees

Abraham (all ex officio except Northfield)
Alford (Finance, General Purposes, Planning)
Burchell (Amenities, Burial Grounds, Planning, Northfield)
Burns (Burial Grounds, General Purposes)
Coates (Burial Grounds, Finance, Planning)
Cole (Amenities, Finance, General Purposes)
Glander (Amenities)
Graeme (Amenities, General Purposes, Northfield)
Horwood General Purposes)
Oxtoby (all ex officio, Northfield)
Ramsay (Burial Grounds, Finance, Planning)
Sewell (Amenities, Finance, General Purposes)
Vesey (Amenities, Finance, Planning).

7. Calendar of Meetings

They agreed the following dates for Parish Council meetings - 9 June, 14 July, 8 September, 13 October, 10 November, 8 December, 12 January, 9 February, 9 March, 13 April, 11 May. Next year's Annual Parish Meeting will be on 15 May. They did discuss other possible days but didn't find any other possible date.

8. Finance Committee

The meetings of 23 April and 7 May discussed the following:

(a) 2013/14 Accounts - these have now been completed. After a £20,000 surplus in 2012/13, the council made a surplus of another £14,000 in 2013/14. This means the council reserves are now £134,000. They mention that the council has adopted a General Power of Competence. The government guide linked to, says it allows councils to spend money in new areas they previously would not have been allowed to.

(b) Donations - they agreed to donate £250 to Rural Age Concern Darent Valley, but rejected donations to West Kent Mediation, Victim Support and the local Citizen's Advice Bureau.

(c) Insurance - although not the cheapest, the council decided to renew with Aviva for 3 years at £1,287 per year. Their reasoning was that this covered volunteers and they were happy with the service to date.

9. Northfield

The meeting of 7 May discussed the following:

(a) Payments - invoices of £140 were approved, including Visual Inspections in March (£60) and Emptying dog bins in Jan - March (£75).

(b) Tree planting - they rejected a proposal from the Brownies to plant trees to celebrate the centenary of the movement, and suggested they use private land near Hartley Wood.

(c) Fencing - they said that staff from Milestone School are leaning on the fence there while on smoking breaks, which has meant they have had to refit the rails. School to be written to about this.

10. Payments

Payments for May of £8,811 were agreed.

Meeting closed at 8.02 pm

9 June 2014

1. Present

All parish councillors except Cllrs Burchell (apologies), Mrs Cole (apologies), Horwood, Sewell (apologies); also present Cllr Brazier (Kent County Council), Mrs Hoad (clerk), 4 members of the public.

2. Interests

Cllr Oxtoby - payments

3. Adjournment

(a) Highways - Cllr Brazier had a number of questions about the recent resurfacing in Hartley. He did not know why the surface dressing on Ash Road has not yet been done. He also said that the clerk had been "remorseless" in raising the issue of the heap of stones dumped in the Church car park. He said the new type of dressing could be done more quickly and confirmed that they would clear the drains and repaint the lines.

(b) Plannning - Cllr Ramsay said the application for another house at Stocks Farm would go to committee, he expressed surprise that the planning officers thought it should be approved. He also mentioned the Sevenoaks consultuation on gypsy and traveller sites. He was "glad to say" there were none in Hartley but was annoyed the officers had suggested Timberland Farm in Shoreham which the council is trying to sell. The council is looking for a new crematorium site too as there is a shortage locally. Cllr Oxtoby said one has been suggested for Chalk.

4. Amenities and Open Spaces

The meeting of 2 June discussed the following:

(a) Manor Field - the Cricket club reported that in spite of poor weather and "continual membership problems" they are operating reasonably well. Sight screens to be made safe and the council will repair the leaking roof in the storage container. They have asked South East Plumbers for a report to see whether the pipework in the pavilion is sufficiently lagged.

(b) Routine Maintenance Contract 2014/15 - the council accepted 9-0 the only quote which was from Mr Munday for £8,093 - an increase of 2.1% from the previous year.

(c) Woodland Avenue - following playground inspection they will cut off broken rail from the youth shelter, which had been identified as a moderate risk. The report also mentioned a finger entrapment risk at the entrance gate, which they will look into. They decided to replace a 25 litre dog waste bin with a 60 litre one.

(d) Chantry Avenue - following the playground inspection they decided to repair the fence of the enclosure.

(e) Hartley Wood - Network Rail have raised concerns about a tree on the council's land, and the council have also paid £260 to fell a decayed tree which was leaning over a footpath. Kent Wildlife Trust are to conduct a wildlife survey in the council's part of the woods. Following complaints about motorbikes in the woods at the Annual Parish Meeting, they discussed letting the Sevenoaks Community Safety Partnership know and also putting up no motorbike signs. They told the person who raised the concerns to continue keeping a log of incidents.

(f) Longfield Hill - the gate to the playground is to be repaired. Network Rail will be stabilising the railway cutting beside the park and will need access.

(g) Rectory Meadow - NW Kent Countryside Partnership to do scrub clearance for £220.

(h) Allotments - there was a burglary at a neighbouring property where access had been gained across the allotments. The council have repaired the chain link fence in Woodland Avenue and the chestnut paling fence with the property. West Kent Housing have also decided to erect a 6 foot close boarded fence where their property adjoins the allotments, but the parish council refused a request from the victim to put a more substantial fence than the chestnut paling one.

5. Finance

The meeting of 28 May reappointed Cllr Ramsay as chairman and reviewed its terms of reference. They also decided on changes in who can transfer monies between their accounts.

6. World War 1 commemoration

They are printing 1,000 copies of a booklet at a cost of £906 which will be given to primary school children and at the exhibition and Hartley Green service. They have received a county councillor grant of £1,000 towards the costs. A non-denominational service will be held at Hartley Green on Sunday 20th July

7. Payments

Payments of £8,273 for June were agreed.

Meeting closed at 7.53pm

14 July 2014

To follow

8 September 2014

1. Present

All parish councillors except Cllrs Burchell (apologies), Mrs Burns (apologies), Coates (apologies), Glander, Graeme; also present Mrs Gilder (clerk), 11 members of the public (including 2 from Longfield Hill).

2. Interests

There were no declarations of interests.

3. Adjournment

(a) Sevenoaks Council - Cllr Ramsay said there was a lot happening, but it didn't affect Hartley. He said the Gypsy site proposals for Hodsoll Street were controversial and they will fight them, pleased no landowner in Hartley put forward any site.

(b) Hoselands Hill Bench - Mr Mayer asked again when it would be repaired as this had been going on for years now. Cllr Oxtoby said they were planning to sort it out.

4. Amenities and Open Spaces

The meeting of 4 August discussed the following:

(a) Longfield Hill Recreation Ground - Network Rail wish to undertake stabilisation works on the railway bank at Longfield Hill. They offered £500 for an easement and for new play equipment worth £3,500. Council agreed 8-0 to grant permission, but they wanted cash instead of in kind. They also plan to check to see if the playground needed to be closed during the works. Two local residents attended to raise concern about the disturbance from Network Rail's works (7 months) and the loss of the playground. They knew Hartley PC was getting compensated by Network Rail and they asked for the money to be spent at Longfield Hill as there was formerly more equipment there, including 3 benches. Cllr Oxtoby replied that the playground and hedging would be reinstated. However they decided not to accept offer of new play equipment as they preferred to make their own decisions on where the money will be spent which may not be at Longfield Hill.

(b) Manor Field (i) Football - rent for the 5 football teams to be frozen at £1,500 for 2014/15. Landscape Services retained to mark pitches at cost of £350. (ii) Bollard - £150 service has been necessary because it could not be locked on 18 July.

(c) Manor Field Pavilion - they agreed 8-0 to give the Jazz Picnic a 50% discount for hire as it was for charity. They also agreed 8-0 to increase rental from 1 April 2015 from £8 to £9 an hour, but would consider "on an individual basis" requests for discount for charity events.

(d) Woodland Avenue - they reversed by 8 votes to 0 their previous decision on who to appoint to repair the kissing gate and appointed a different contractor, after it was found they had not considered all the details of their tender.

(e) Allotments - council agreed 8-0 to increase rents by 5% from 1 October 2015. They have also been informed by South East Water that the water system of 4 standpipes has been condemned because of a risk of contaminating the mains supply. However they have gone back with further information from one of the allotment holders who thinks it is not the problem claimed.

(f) Vandalism - Dog bin by Gorsewood Road subway burnt out on 19/20 July (reinstated) and noticeboard at Hoselands Green vandalised (cost up to £300 to replace).

5. Planning

See list of planning applications below.

6. World War 1 commemoration

Councillors heard a report of the event, which Cllr Oxtoby thought had gone well. She congratulated the committee.

7. Sevenoaks Draft Economic Development Strategy

Cllr Vesey asked what about the redevelopment of New Ash Green Shopping Centre, which is used by a lot of people in Hartley. They agreed to set up a working group of Cllrs Alford, Ramsay and Vesey.

8. Payments

Payments of £13,383 for June were agreed.

13 October 2014

1. Present

All parish councillors except Cllrs Alford, Coates, Cole, Horwood, Ramsay. Also present - Cllr Brazier (KCC).

2. Interests

There were no declarations of interests.

3. Amenities and Opens Spaces

The meeting of 2 October discussed the following:

(a) Longfield Hill - a 70 signature petition has been received, requesting the parish council use the £3,500 received from Network Rail on playground improvements there. They also received a report about progress of the works.

(b) Manor Field - De Sales FC reported that the paintwork on the goalposts was poor and that some of the respect lines were missing (lines on one side of the pitch to keep spectators from the touchline).

(c) Manor Field Pavilion - they have obtained a county court judgement for £56 + costs for an unpaid hiring. Emergency light testing completed as well as lagging of the pipework in the roof space. They are getting quotes for annual water hygiene works.

(d) Gorse Wood - they hope University of Greenwich students will be able to undertake a study and draft a management plan.

(e) Hoselands Green - Brownies to plant trees here and at Manor Field to celebrate 100 years of the movement.

(f) Woodland Avenue - Playgound inpsection completed for all 3 sites. Repairs to gates to playground here to prevent finger entrapment risk. Vandalism on 8 September will cost £780 to repair.

(g) Noticeboards - plans to rationalise the number and replacing those left with aluminium.

5. Finance

The meeting of 1 October discussed the following.

(a) Financial Processes Review - Council received first draft of report by Cllr Vesey.

(b) Pension Scheme - the council approved policies recommended by the county council.

(c) Donations - A request by Kent Association of Local Councils for an economic benefits study for junction 5 of the M25 was refused as being too far away.

6. General Purposes

The meeting of 1 October discussed the following.

(a) Community Wardens - KCC are proposing to centralise the service and reduce the number of wardens by 50%. Parish Council opposed on grounds of impact on vulnerable residents and loss of local knowledge.

(b) Castle Hill - local resident requested blocking the road in the middle to reduce traffic. County councillor said it was unfeasible and HPC opposed too because it is an important strategic link between Ash Road and Valley Road.

(c) Quaker's Close - complaints received about poor sight lines from this road onto Ash Road, similar concerns about Copse Side and Hottsfield. Council to look at feasibility of mirror opposite Quakers Close.

(d) Round Ash Way, Oast Way, Culvey Close - complaints received about state of pavements. The council heard that KCC have a requirement from their insurers to do repairs when more than 20mm of damage.

(e) Other Highways - complaints about large vehicles in narrow lanes - Church Road, Grange Lane, Hartley Hill, Hartley Bottom Road. Also about parking outside entrance to Manor Field due to effect on sight lines.

(f) Communications - they are looking at redesigning the Hartley Herald, including possibly publishing in colour. An e-newsletter was also suggested.

(g) Youth - they received a report on the Family Fun Days held on 28 July and 12 August by Playspace. They included clay modelling, sports, inflatables.

The council is not happy with the KCC Youth contractors CXK Limited and nor are several other parishes in Sevenoaks District. They think there is lack of engagement and resoures. CXK work in Hartley on Tuesdays between 3.30 and 6pm. KCC is conducting a review which may lead to the contract being cancelled.

(h) War memorial - they have learned that while Sevenoaks say it is legal to close Ash Road for the 2 minute silence, it is not lawful for the police to enforce it. They discussed a long term solution of moving the memorial to Manor Field, but acknowledged this may be expensive.

(i) Risk Assessments - they are setting up a committee to review all risk assessments and policies, following advice in a workshop attended by the chairman and clerk.

(j) Emergency Planning - phone to be bought for the clerk to use when no electricity at Parish Office.

7. Planning

See list of planning applications below.

8. Standing Orders

The committee of 3 September had changes but the matter was deferred due to too few councillors present. A change in the law means the council can no longer ban recording of meetings. They also needed to make changes to the Code of Conduct to bring it into line with the Standing Orders.

9. Northfield

The meeting of 29 September discussed the following:

(a) Payments of £1,180 were agreed, including £745 for tree risk assessment, £320 for ragwort control, and £15 to clear barbed wire. They agreed that the 2015 parish council contribution would be £1,500 each.

(b) Land maintenance - 60 litre dog bin to be bought. Area to be grass cut in scallops to be extended.

(c) Horse Riding - padlock stolen from Church Road gate, new keys to be issued to riders.

10. Payments

Payments of £11,530 for October were agreed.

10 November 2014

1. Present

All parish councillors except Cllrs Burchell (apologies), Coates (apologies), Mrs Cole (apologies), Horwood; also present Mrs Hoad (clerk), 5 members of the public.

2. Interests

There were no declarations of interests.

3. Adjournment

(a) Sevenoaks Council - Cllr Abraham said there was nothing to report.

(b) Church Road - Dr Roberts asked why speeding and lorries had appeared on the agenda? Mrs Hoad said it was following emails.

4. Burial Ground

The meeting of 15 October discussed the following:

(a) New Burial Ground - the council have awarded a contract to Paternosters to build a 1.2m high close boarded fence along the 20 foot access strip. The owner of the access strip highlighted the risk of damage if branches fell off neighbouring trees, but the council agreed 9-0 that it was too late to change the contract now. They are also inviting tenders to provide a tarmac path to the new burial ground.

(b) Burial Ground - quotations to be invited to replace the current pannelled fence with Hartley Court with a 1.8m high close boarded fence.

(c) Old Garden of Remembrance - they hope to move the sundial to the centre of the cross.

(d) Charges - council agreed 9-0 to the following charges for 2015/16, which are mostly increased by £5: Grave space - £140 (+£5); Burials - £145 (+£5), Interrment of Ashes £115 (+£5), Approval of memorial - £105 (+£5), Approval of other memorials - £80 (+£5). Children under 12 - Free (no change).

The annual charge to All Saints for using the Manor Field Car Park for occasional well attended services to remain at £30.

5. Planning

See list of planning applications below.

6. Standing Orders

Council approved 9-0 changes to the standing orders to include a code of conduct and to allow recording of meetings.

7. Payments

Payments of £8,611 for November were agreed. Council agreed 9-0 to add Cllrs Abraham and Graeme as bank signatories in addition to Cllrs Coates, Ramsay and Oxtoby

Meeting closed at 7.47 pm.

10. Payments

Payments of £11,530 for October were agreed.

8 December 2014

1. Present

2. Interests

3. Adjournment

4. Amenities and Open Spaces

The meeting of 13 November discussed the following:

(a) Longfield Hill - no decision on how to spend the £3,500 from Network Rail.

(b) Manor Field Pavilion - debt referred to in October meeting still not collected, council to send registered letter. Boiler programmer in kitchen replaced at cost of £129. Council to get quotes for redecoration of hall and main corridor.

(c) Manor Field - council to look at planting cherry tree to commemorate start of World War 1.

(d) Gorse Wood - fly tipping at rear of Porchester Close Car Park, necessitating hire of skip.

(e) Hartley Wood - footpath leading to underpass blocked by fallen branch of oak tree, council removed this as it was on their land at a cost of £100, but when they approached the owner of the tree, they said they did not wish to pay as they would have removed the branch themselves if the council had given them the opportunity.

(f) Rectory Meadow - motorbike dumped in wood, police not interested because it has no plates.

(g) Allotments - they will cut back cherry trees that are causing shading and water abstraction at plots 32 & 33 (£120) and reduce the height of the conifer trees at Woodland Avenue (£150). They refused a request by the neighbour at Woodland Avenue to cut back a tree shading the back garden, but said they can cut back the overhanging branches.

(h) Noticeboards at Open Spaces - to be reduced, quotations to be got for replacing those remaining with green aluminium ones 930 x 820mm.

5. Finance

The meeting of 12 November discussed the following:

(a) Financial Systems Review - Cllr Vesey's review found they were mostly compliant, but could be improved in some areas.

(b) 2015/16 Precept - following last year's large increase, they plan no increase this year but this depends on figures from Sevenoaks. They will also move £50,000 from the General Reserve to an ear marked New Burial Ground reserve account. The internal auditor said they should have a reserves policy.

(c) Donations - Round Ash Pre-school has requested a grant to replace their portakabin, NALC have advised the council before giving them money they will need to get more information and get a solicitor to draw up the grant.

6. General Purposes

The meeting of 19 November discussed the following:

(a) Youth - the council have received £8,977 following the winding up of HAWK. They plan to transfer this money to a youth services reserve.

(b) Quakers Close - KCC will not approve a mirror, as it would need to be approved by the Department for Transport on a temporary basis only, and it may reflect sunlight.

(c) Ash Road - complaint received about speeding motorists, police asked to do another speed check.

(d) Winter salt - council has received 8 x 25kg sacks from KCC.

(e) Youth - Playspace say they can do weekly sessions next summer. However concerns about low attendance at Family Fun day last 6 August compared with elsewhere in Sevenoaks. CXK say their weekly youth meeting will move to the WI hall for the winter.

(f) Remembrance Sunday - council claim that over 250 attended and many attended the follow up exhibition.

7. Planning

See list of planning applications below.

8. Northfield

The meeting of 24 November discussed the following:

(a) Payments - of £240 were approved including £160 for ragwort removal.

(b) Entrances - Milestone, Caling Croft, Farm Holt entrances to have road planings (crushed tarmac) laid at a cost of £145.

(c) Trees - £590 for works on trees in New House Shaw. Committee also received report about ash trees and will -inspect them again in the spring.

(d) Grass cutting - contract awarded to Westcutt Mowing.

(e) Horse riding - new padlock will cost £65.

7. Payments

Payments of £XXXX for December were agreed.


Planning Applications 2014

Brambledown (12)

Single storey front and rear extension
- Granted
(HPC - No objection )

Downs Valley (36)

2 storey and part 1st floor extension
- Granted
(HPC - No objection )

Manor Drive (The Briars)

Replacement garage
- Invalidated
(HPC - No objection )

Church Road (Enchante)

Loft conversion with dormers & velux windows
- Granted
(HPC - No objection )

Ash Road (Ellerby Mews)

Details (hard & soft landscaping) v 12/1509
(HPC - )

Fairby Lane (11)

Replacement of dormer with larger
- Granted
(HPC - )

Beechlands Close (12)

Replace sun room with single storey rear extension; loft extension
- Granted
(HPC - No objection )

Ash Road (Ellerby Mews)

Details (external lighting) v 12/1509
(HPC - )

Gorsewood Road (Gorsewood Farm)

Details (biodiversity) v 13/1063
- Granted
(HPC - )

Billings Hill Shaw (29)

Front porch extension
- Granted
(HPC - No objection )

Church Road (The Poplars)

The raising of the roof height to incorporate a new first floor extension and alteration to rear fenestration and Juliet balcony to side elevation. Installation of new access gates and walls
- Refused
(HPC - No objection If OK by green belt)

Chantry Avenue (15)

Details (materials) v 13/264
- Granted
(HPC - )

Downs Valley (11A)

- Refused
(HPC - Object Out of keeping)

Manor Drive (Highfields)

Details (materials) v 12/1488
- Granted
(HPC - )

Springcroft (12)

Single storey rear extension; roof extension over garage
- Granted
(HPC - No objection )

Fawkham Road (Salts Farm)

50 bed dementia care home
(HPC - Support Need for home; better than present use)

Simmonds Drive (1)

Convert garage for disabled/carer accommodation; therapy pool extension
(HPC - No objection )

Manor Drive (Highfields)

Details (landscaping) v 12/1488
(HPC - )

Hartley Bottom Road (Orange Hill Cottage)

Use of outbuilding as granny annexe
- Granted
(HPC - No objection So long as condition to make it ancilliary to main house)

Hartley Bottom Road (Orange Hill Cottage)

Single storey side extension
(HPC - )

Ash Road (Quay House)

Single storey side extension
(HPC - )

Ash Road (Monksilver)

Details (Arboricultural method statement) v 13/2019
(HPC - )

Hartley Green (Yew Cottage)

Demolish car port, replace with oak framed 2 car port

(HPC - No objection )

Church Road (Stocks Farm)

Demolish outbuilding, erect single storey detached dwelling
- Allowed on appeal
(HPC - Object Green belt)

Springcroft (46)

Raised platform/decking
(HPC - Object Neighbour amenity)

Downs Valley (43)

Single storey rear extension
(HPC - )

Ash Road (Red House)

Increase height of boundary wall, install electric gates over 1m high

(HPC - Object Out of keeping, poor sightlines)

Culvey Close (2)

Single storey side extension
(HPC - No objection )

Gorse Way (Medhurst)

Demolition of existing garage and conservatory and the erection of two storey and three single storey rear extensions, two storey and single storey side and front extension and single storey/part two storey side extension. Alterations to fenestration, removal of an existing chimney
- Granted
(HPC - No objection )

Pitfield (1)

Minor amendment to 13/1672
(HPC - No objection )

Old Downs (22)

erection of a two storey side extension, new flue to rear roof and entrance gates/paved area.
- Granted
(HPC - No objection )

Culvey Close (Country Club)

Demolish existing portakabin changing rooms, replace with cricket pavilion and scoreboard
- Refused
(HPC - Object Green Belt)

Stack Lane (Stack Cottage)

Details (materials) v 13/3310
(HPC - )

Copse Side (16)

part two storey and part first floor side extension and single storey rear extension.
- Refused
(HPC - No objection )

Gorsewood Road (Woodside)

Erection of a single storey extension to front. Existing first floor extended to front and rear with new roof layout and three dormers. Removal of two chimney stacks.
- Granted
(HPC - No objection )

Stack Lane (Stack Cottage)

Variation of 13/3310 (2 Approved plans, 4 car parking
- Granted
(HPC - No objection )

Stack Lane (Stack Cottage)

Details (landscape) v 13/3310
(HPC - )

Stack Lane (Stack Cottage)

Details (code for level 3 design) v 13/3310
(HPC - )

Stack Lane (Stack Cottage)

Details (retention of trees) v 13/3310
(HPC - )

Merton Avenue (21)

part single, part two storey extension to front, first floor extension to side, and roof conversion to existing house
- Granted
(HPC - No objection )

Stack Lane (Stack Cottage)

Details (method statement) v 13/3310
(HPC - )

Church Road (St Margarets)

The erection of a detached house with integral garage to the South of St Margarets, and the re-location of the access to the existing dwelling
- Refused
(HPC - Object Won't get right of access over private drive; neighbour amenity; traffic; loss of tree)

Round Ash Way (22)

Demolition of conservatory to facilitate the erection of a single storey rear extension to form garden room
(HPC - )

Fairby Lane (Dulce Domum)

Prior notification of a single storey rear extension which extends 8m beyond the rear wall of the original dwelling house with a maximum height of 4m and eaves height of 4m
(HPC - )

Fairby Lane (Dulce Domum)

Demolition of part single storey side and rear additions, erection of a single storey 8m rear extension and alterations to the roof
(HPC - )

Chantry Avenue (54)

Proposed internal alterations. Installation of roof lights and by-fold doors
- Granted
(HPC - )

Downs Valley (14)

Raising the roof height to create a habitable room with two rooflights and one dormer window at the rear
- Granted
(HPC - No objection )

Downs Valley (12)

Raising the roof height to create a habitable room with two rooflights and one dormer window at the rear
- Granted
(HPC - No objection )

Banckside (2)

Proposed erection of boundary wall and gate to the South side onto Parkfield with a new crossover
- Granted
(HPC - No objection )

Hawthorns (15)

Erection of a two storey side extension
- Granted
(HPC - No objection )

Beechlands Close (4)

Installation of loft dormer to rear and 3 rooflights to front.
(HPC - )

Gorsewood Road (Gorsewood Farm)

Amend permission to relocate garage

Downs Valley (43)

Prior notification of a single storey rear extension which extends 5m beyond the rear wall of the original dwelling house with a maximum height of 3.2m and eaves height of 2.2m.
- Granted
(HPC - )

Fairby Lane (4)

Enclosed porch to front elevation.
- Granted
(HPC - No objection )

Hartley Bottom Road (Orange Hill Cottage)

Change of use of dwelling house to mixed use as private residential dwelling house and Bed & Breakfast accommodation. Creation of new hardstanding to facilitate new parking.
- Granted
(HPC - Object Traffic; green belt)

Church Road (1)

Details (materials) v 11/1056
(HPC - )

Church Road (1)

Details (landscaping) v 11/1056
(HPC - )

Church Road (1)

Details (boundary treatment) v 11/1056
(HPC - )

Church Road (Far Ben)

Single storey rear extension
- Withdrawn
(HPC - No objection )

Downs Valley (24)

Canopy to rear elevation and pitched roof to existing detached garage.
- Granted
(HPC - No objection )

Copse Side (16)

2 storey and 1st floor side extension
- Granted
(HPC - No objection )

Ash Road (Red House)

Installation of electric gates, raised brick piers and wrought iron panels
- Granted
(HPC - No objection )

Church Road (Middle Farm)

Demolish dwelling and replace with 2 x 1 bed and 3 x 2 bed dwellings
(HPC - No objection Extent of listing not clear)

Fairby Lane (41)

The erection of extension/summer house.
- Granted
(HPC - )

Old Downs (22)

Details pursuant to condition 3 (tree protection method) of SE/14/01206/HOUSE
- Granted
(HPC - )

Merton Avenue (Nil Desperandum)

2 storey side and single storey rear extension
- Withdrawn
(HPC - No objection )

Manor Drive (2 Hartley Wood Corner)

Demolish house & barn, replace with 5 bed house
(HPC - Object Out of keeping; green belt; barn over 5m from house; neighbour amenity)

Church Road (The Poplars)

Walls, Gates and fencing.
- Granted
(HPC - )

Gresham Avenue (Blackthorn Cottage)

Demolish garage, build part single, part 2 storey side extension
(HPC - No objection )

Fairby Lane (Dulce Domum)

Demolition of part single storey rear and side additions erection of single storey rear extension and alterations to the roof (resubmission)
- Granted
(HPC - )

Woodland Avenue (Lamorna)

Prior notification of a single storey rear extension which extends 3.6m beyond the rear wall of the original dwelling house with a maximum height of 3m and eaves height of 3m.
- Not required
(HPC - )

Simmonds Drive (1)

Conversion of room for disabled and carer's accommodation; partly demolish outbuilding; erect extension with hydrotherapy pool
(HPC - No objection )

Woodland Avenue (Lamorna)

Outbuilding replacement (retrospective).
- Invalidated
(HPC - No objection )

Ash Road (Hemesleys Yard)

The erection of 4 non permanent containers within the boundary of Hemesleys Transport Yard for detailing and valeting purposes.(Retrospective)
(HPC - Object Green belt, environmental concerns)

Church Road (Wild Acre)

Outbuilding replacement (retrospective).
- Granted
(HPC - No objection )

Church Road (The Poplars)

Prior notification of a single storey rear extension which extends 8m beyond the rear wall of the original dwelling house with a maximum height of 2.852m and eaves height of 2.783m.
- Not required
(HPC - )

Ash Road (The Red House)

Two storey infill front and rear extensions. Porch canopy to front and demolition of conservatory and erection of single storey side extension with roof terrace. Alterations to fenestration.
- Refused
(HPC - No objection )

Church Road (Preet Niwas)

Demolition of existing dwelling and garage, and erection of two four bedroom detached dwellings and one three bedroom bungalow with associated revised access to Church Road.
- Granted
(HPC - No objection )

Gorsewood Road (Orlando)

Demolition of existing garage and erection of two storey side extension, single storey rear extension, and first floor front extension.
- Granted
(HPC - No objection )

Manor Drive (The Pines)

Erection of a first floor side extension.
- Granted
(HPC - No objection )

Hawthorns (17)

Erection of a double storey side extension and single storey rear extension.
- Granted
(HPC - No objection )

Stack Lane (Ashlyn)

Details pursuant to condition 4 (soft landscaping) of planning permission SE/13/03748/HOUSE
- Granted
(HPC - )

Church Road (St Margarets)

Conversion of existing integral garage into domestic accommodation, and formation of two car parking spaces.
- Granted
(HPC - No objection )

Banckside (2)

Removal/ variation of condition 5 (permeable hardstanding) of planning permission SE/12/02904/HOUSE.
(HPC - No objection )

Ash Road (Milestone School)

Changing the overflow car park from plain soil to a free draining area allowing year round use.
(HPC - No objection )

Gorse Way (Grasmere)

Extension to existing loft conversion by constructing dormer to front elevation.
- Granted
(HPC - No objection )

Fairby Lane (Dulce Domum)

Demolition of existing side and rear projection and erection of single storey side and rear extension with alterations to raised patio forming non-habitable storage space. Alterations to fenestration.
- Granted
(HPC - No objection )

Manor Drive (The Laurels)

Lawful Development Certificate for erection of single storey double garage and car port
- Refused
(HPC - )

Manor Drive (The Laurels)

Lawful Development Certificate for extension to existing driveway.
- Granted
(HPC - )

Manor Drive (The Laurels)

Alterations to change the existing Garage into a Gymnasium.
- Granted
(HPC - No objection )

Ash Road (The Birches)

Demolition of existing single storey rear extension and erection of 2 storey rear extension, installation of a rooflight and sun pipe to rear elevations.
(HPC - )

Ash Road (The Birches)

Demolition of existing outbuilding and erection of single storey domestic outbuilding.
(HPC - )

Ash Road (12)

Prior notification of a single storey rear extension which extends 5.6m beyond the rear wall of the original dwelling house with a maximum height of 3.261m and eaves height of 2.38m.
- Not required
(HPC - )

Gorsewood Road (Woodside)

Single storey extension to front / side. Existing first floor extended to front, rear, and side with new roof layout incorporating 6 dormers. Removal of 2 chimney stacks.
(HPC - No objection )

Quakers Close (The Knoll)

single storey rear extension.
(HPC - )

Woodland Avenue (Inverurie)

Single storey rear extension, loft conversion with extension to roof and dormer windows to front & rear elevations to facilitate creation of habitable space.
(HPC - )

Fairacre Place (1)

Erection of single storey side and rear extension to form lounge, bedroom and en-suite shower room/w.c. Alterations to fenestration.
(HPC - )