Newspaper Stories 1700 - 1799 - Hartley-Kent: The Website for Hartley

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Newspaper Stories 1700 - 1799

1726, September 07: Cricket Match Canterbury Journal
"Next Monday a cricket match is to be played at Dartford Brim or Heath, between Mr Steed's Club, a Kentish gentleman of good estate, and the Chinkfield Men, pursuant as we hear to a rule of court made by the late Lord Chief Justice Prat, in a law suit before his lordship about a former cricket match, wherein the Chinkfield men refused to go on with the game, when the others had much the advantage of it, whereupon they were ordered to play it out, beginning where they had left off, or forfeit the wager, which was very considerable."

1732, March 29: Carrier to London Canterbury Journal
"Whereas Richard Love the Canterbury carrier used to go from Gravesend to London by water; this is to give notice, that he now goes all the way by land.  And whereas he used to have a penny in the pound carriage, he will now carry for three farthings; and money carefully returned for 2 pence in the pound.  All which shall be faithfully performed.  NB.  All people who send any goods are desired to send them to the Dark House at Billingsgate every Thursday morning, where the carrier will attend till 11 o'clock."

1734, May 02: Princess of Orange at Gravesend Derby Mercury
"On Tuesday nigh last, about 8 o'clock, while the Prince and Princess of Orange were playing at Quadrille at Dr Holker's house at Gravesend, a message came to them from Capt Collier, commander of the Fubbs Yacht, acquainting them, that the wind seemed to be settled, desiring to know their pleasure.  Their highnesses immediately went on board, together with the principal persons of their retinue, and the Fubbs, with the other 3 yachts, viz, the Mary, Catherine and William and Mary, weighing anchor, proceeded down river, being saluted by all forts and ships they passed.  Two men of war, one of 40 and the other of 20 guns, lay at the Nore to convoy them to Holland.  And on Thursday at noon they were seen off Margaret Roads steering with a fair wind, so that it may be expected that their highnesses landed either that night, or on Friday morning."  [Dr Laurence Holker owned Blue House Farm and Brickend in Hartley]

1736, July 31: Unemployment in Kent Ipswich Journal
"From divers parts of the country, we hear, that such numbers of Irishmen daily swarm in upon them, offering to do the harvest work at so low a price that there is no employment for their industrious poor, insomuch that the countrymen have rose upon them in several places especially at Dartford in Kent, where, if the magistrates had not interposed, the poor Irishen had suffered very much, perhaps fatally."

1737, May 14: Tranportation to America Canterbury Journal
"On Sunday the 8th instant was safe conveyed to Gravesend by the Keeper of His Majesty's Gaol at Maidstone, and put on board in order to be transported to Virginia or Maryland, James Englis, Thomas Daniel, James Eagar, John Cellen, William Potter, John Peters, William Juggins, Robert Shields and William Perry."

1739, January 10: Cold Weather Derby Mercury
"From Gravesend we hear, that the frost is so severe, and the ice abounds so much there, that no ships can pass without the utmost danger."

1739, June 25: Press Gang at Dartford Caledonian Mercury
"At Dartford in Kent the press for seamen is as great as ever was known.  And county warrants are issued to the proper officers, requiring them to take care that the constables and head-boroughs in their districts make dilligent search after all persons proper for his majesty's service."

1739, November 09: Violent Storm at Dartford Virginia Gazette
"From Dartford we hear, that last week the tempest of lightning was so very great, that much orn that stood in sheafs on the groun of a noted farmer of that town, was set on fire and consumed.  This the poor people thereabouts will have to be a just judgement on him for his cruelty in stopping them the night before, and taking awy the corn they had been gleaning in one of his feils, which he burnt in his bailiff's oven and thereby narrowly escaped setting the house on fire."

1743, July 16: Cricket Match Canterbury Journal
"Yesterday a cricket match was played in the Artillery Ground for 500 guineas, between Newland of Slendon in Sussex; Sawyer of Richmond and Bryant of London; against Hodswell [probably Hodsoll] of Dartford, Romley of Sevenoaks and Cutbush of Maidstone; which was won by the 3 last by 2 notches.  'Twas computed there were 10,000 people in the ground, and the bets ran 5 to 1 in favour of the winners."

1746, July 31: Lost Pocket Book London Evening Post
"Lost the 27th June last, between Trosley and Welling in Kent, coming to London, a pocket book with some memorandums, of no use but to the owner.  Whosoever brings it to the Kentish Drovers and Trosley, the King's Arms at Hartley Bottom, the Ship at Green Street Green, the Guy of Warwick at Wellings or to Mr Archbolds at New Cross Turnpike near Deptford, shall have 3 shillings reward with thanks.  NB.  The owner's name, John Sampson, was wrote in it."

[it shows that in the past Hartley Bottom Road was a significant thoroughfare for those travelling from mid to north Kent.]

1746, August 28: Hartley Court to Let London Evening Post
"To be let and enter'd upon at Michaelmas next: A messuage house, with barns, stable, and outhouses, with 430 acres of land, arable, woodlands and meadows in Southfleet and Hartley in the county of Kent, and now in the occupation of Mr John Colyer.

Any person by enquiring of Thomas Allen of Southfleet aforesaid, may be shewn the whole farm, and by writing to Mr William Greaves of Repton near Derby, may treat for them."

[Hartley Court at this time was split into 2 holdings that were rented out separately.  This advert does not include the house at Hartley Court.]

1749, June 10: Cricket Match Ipswich Journal
"We hear that the two grand matches at cricket, between the natives of Surrey against All England, were both won by the former.  The first, which was finished on Saturday last on Dartford Brim, they won having 2 wickets to go down; the last, which was finished yesterday in the Artillery Ground, they likewise won, having 7 wickets to go down.  They were 2 days playing each match."

1750, March 15: Counterfeiting Whitehall Evening Post
"Last Wednesday two young fellows, very genteely dressed, who had taken post horses in the Borough the day before, were taken at Dartford in Kent, for putting off bad half guineas; and upon a messenger being dispatched to enquire at the different houses on the road it appeared they had put off seven of them at the different houses between London and Dartford."

1750, July 20: Cricket Match Derby Mercury
"The same day [Tuesday] was played a very good match of cricket on Dartford Brim, between Dartford (they being allowed Mr Hodswell and the two Bryants) against Addington Club, which was won by the former by 6 notches only.  Dartford got 46 and Addington 39 their first hands; then the former got 34 and the latter 35."

1752, May 15: A Highwayman Caught Derby Mercury
"On Wednesday the highwayman who had robbed Mr Lethieullier and Mr Browne on Shooter's Hill last Tuesday afternoon, was taken near Dartford, after being pursued through Eltham, Bexley, Sutton and Darenth; and being carried before Justice Malcher at Dartford, where Mr Lethieullier and Mr Browne appearing against him, he was committed to Maidstone Gaol, in order to take his trial at the next Assizes.  There were found upon him those gentlemen's watches and several others he had taken from other persons; also a considerable sum of money.  On unloading his pistol there were a bullet and seven slugs.  He was lately an under-ostler at Dartford."  [Mr Lethieullier was very probably the Lethieullier who was the owner of Hartley Manor Farm at the time.  He lived at Beckenham.  The unnamed highwayman never stood trial.  The newspaper of following week reported the suspect had taken poison and died in Dartford prison.]

1753, January 20: Boxing Match Canterbury Journal
"We hear from Dartford, that a noted bruiser there, having a fancy to try the courage of the person who guards the Canterbury Stage Coach, challenged him on Wednesday last to fight for a guinea; which being accepted of, they went to the place appointed, with a great concourse of people, the bruiser bantering him all the way; but returned well thrashed, with his pockets empty."

1753, October 12: Elections at Dartford Derby Mercury
"Some grand entertainments have been given this week to the freeholders of Kent, at Dartford, Rochester, Bromley etc by the Hon Lewis Monson Watson and the Hon Robert Fairfax, esqs, two the candidates for that county."

[This election malpractice called "Treating" is now outlawed, but it certainly worked for the two Whig candidates, who easily defeated the Tory candidate, ushering in a long period of Whig victories in the Kent constituency]

1753, October 23: Anti-Jewish Prejudice at Dartford Caledonian Mercury
"Yesterday se'nnight the following advertisement was found pinned against the meeting house at Dartford in Kent, which has been used as such these 30 years: 'To all Jews, Placemen, Pensioners and others whom it my concern.  This is to give notice that this evening will be held at the Bull Inn a private circumcision feast.  And it is intended that if the assembly be large enough, and the company not too sore, to go in grand prossession to the long deserted meeting house in Lowfield, which is refitting, and will then be opened as a Synagogue.  By order or the Sandhedrin.  Benjamin Shylock, Scribe."

[Jewish People had been prominent supporters of the government during the rebellion of Bonnie Prince Charlie, so in 1753 the government passed the Jewish Naturalisation Act, which allowed them to apply for citizenship.  This led to enough opposition led by the Tory party to get the act repealed the following year.  This bill includes many of the themes of the opponents.  Contempory Horace Walpole wrote 'the age, enlightened as it is called, was still enslaved to the grossest and most vulgar prejudices']

1759, August 11: Post Coach Canterbury Journal
"To the publick.  A post coach or machine, hung on steel springs, very easy and large, to carry 4 people only, sets out every day at 7 o'clock in the morning, from the Kings Head at Canterbury, to go to the Golden Cross, Charing Cross, Westminster; and returns from thence every day to Canterbury.  To reach Canterbury at 6 in the evening.  The said machine changes horses at Sittingbourne, Rochester and Dartford.   It likewise goes and comes from Dover every day - each passenger to pay 20 shillings from Dover and 15 shillings from Canterbury to London.  Places to be taken at the King's Head and at the Coach Yard, Canterbury.  Great care will be taken of all parcels.  Performed by Le Geyt, Hartcup, Pordage and Steadwick.  NB: The stages go to and come from Gracechurch Street every day as usual."

1763, January 03: Crime Prevention Salisbury and Winchester Journal
"A farmer, near Dartford, in Kent, having for some time past had the posts about his yard repeatedly stole away, thought of the following expedient to discover the thief; in one of the new posts he put half a pound of gunpowder, which was artfully stopped up with a piece of wood; the fellow who stole it put it upon his fire, and an explosion of the gunpowder soon ensued; the windows of the house were broke into pieces, with other damage done; but the worst consequence was, that one of the fellow's children had his eyes put out by the explosion."

1766, May 01: Burnet Crop at Ridley Scots Magazine
"A letter from the Rev Mr Davies Lambe, Rector of Ridley, near Dartford, in Kent, to Dr Peter Templeman, secretary to the Society for the Encouragement of the Arts etc (published at the request of the society)

Ridley, Dec 10, 1765

Sir.  Lately received a very polite letter from a member of your excellent society, requesting me, that as there are many people who doubt the usefulness of burnet, to inform him, by letter directed to you, how the burnet for which I obtained the premium, has answered during the very dry season of last summer.  To oblige this gentleman, and to make up the deficiency in my former accoun tof burnet, when I sent you my certificate, is the reason why I trouble you with this.

My burnet, though very green and beautiful all the winter, made no great progress till the middle of April following, when I thought it absolutely necessary to feed it.  I did so; but I did it too late, and kept my cattle upon it too long, from the middle of April to the 20th of May.  This was a very great mistake; the burnet plants were now headed for seed, and the flock chiefly fed upon the heads, which greatly lessened my quantity of seed, as well as retarded the growth of the plants.  I turned into the field, ewes, lambs, and calves, and they all fed very greedily upon the burnet.  From what I had heard of Mr Rocque, I very much expected them to scour, but there was not the least appearence of it, and the cattle throve accordingly.

The 6th of July I began to mow, the weather being favourable; 6 men and 4 boys threshed and cleaned the seed in 7 days.  I had 200 bushels of very fine clean seed, as many sacks of chaff, and 7 loads of hay, from a field of 7 acres and a quarter.

Satisfied that 200 bushels of seed would be more than I should be able to dispose of, I was not anxious after another crop, being rather desirous of seeing what it would perform as a pasture.  Accordingly in about 10 or 12 days after the field was cleared, I turned into it 7 cows, 2 calves, and 2 horses; they all throve very remarkably, and the cows gave more, and we thought a richer milk, than in any other pasture.  I really expected, as burnet is so strong an aromatic, that the milk would have had a particular taste; but far otherwise; the milk, cream and butter were as fine, if not finer tasted, than any from the best meadows.  I am satisfied, that there is no better pasture for cows, whether ilched or barren, than burnet.  The weather was now extreme droughty, all our other pastures were burnt up; yet the burnet flourished, and grew away, as if it had a shower every week.  My stock of cows, horses, and calves before mentioned, pastured on it almost continually, till Michaelmas; by the middle of November it was grown so considerably, that I have again turned in 6 head of cattle; and if the weather is not severe, I am of opinion, it will maintain them till Christmas.

The burnet straw , or halm, is, after the seed is separated from it, a very useful fodder for horses, cows, calves, and sheep; the chaff is of good value, if mixed with any other, however ordinary chaff.  I have fed all the above mentioned stock with it promiscously together in one field, putting th halm into racks, and the chaff into troughs; and if the halm was chopped with an engine, it would still be of much more value.

Burnet, I am fully persuaded, will prove a very great acquisition to husbandry on many accounts, but more particuarly for the following reasons.

Burnet is a good winter pasture, consequently it will be of great service to the farmer as a constant crop he may depend upon, and that without any expense for seed or tillage after the first sowing; whereas turnips are precarious and expensive; and when they fail, as particularly this year, the farmer is very often put to great inconveniences to keep his stock.

It affords both corn and hay too.  Burnet seed is said to be as good as oats for horses.  I know they will eat it very well.  Judge then the value of an acre of land, which gives you at two mowings 10 quarters of corn and 3 loads of hay.

The seed indeed is too valuable to be put that use at present; though it multiplies so fast, that I doubt not but in a few years the horses will be fed with it.

It will bear pasturing with sheep; it makes good butter, it never blows or hoves cattle; it will flourish upon poor light, sandy, stoney, shaltery or chalky land.

Burnet, after the first year will weed itself, and be kept clean at little or no expense.

The cultivation of burnet is neither hazardous nor expensive; if the land is prepared as is generally done for a crop of turnips, there is no danger of any miscarriage.

I make no doubt but that burnet might be sown late in spring, with oats or barley.  A gentleman in my neighbourhood did so last summer, and it succeeded very well.  I should think a buck wheat season, which is sown the last of all corn, would suit it very well; but of this I have no experience, and could wish to have the experiment tried.  A pea field, drilled in rows, and kept clean, would make an excellent season for burnet, as the pea crop would come off soon enough to prepare the land with two ploughings by the middle of August, after which time I should not chuse to sow it.

It very frequently happens, that every farmer who sows many acres with turnips, has several worth little or nothing; the fly, the dolphin, the black caterpillar, the dry weather, or som unknown cause, oftne defeating the industry and expense of the most skilful farmer.  When this happens, as it too often happens, I would bby all means advise him to sow it with burnet, and in March and April following he will have a fine pasture for his sheep and lambs.

Burnet is a native of England, and will certainly perfect its seed twice in one summer; and a farm, with a small plantation, may supply himself with seed of his own growth at very little or no expense; he may then be encouraged to make experiments on various seasons, without much loss or damage.

Thus I have given a true account and wish what I have said my contribute to dispel the prejudice or inform the ignorance of my countrymen.  Davies Lambe."  [For more information about burnet see Wikipedia Article]

1766, May 20: Hartley Court for Sale London Evening Post
Sale of Hartley Manor and Ridley Manor at Garraway's Coffee House, London on 25 June.  "Lot 2 The Manor of Hartley and the Chief Rents thereto belonging, amounting to £10 2s 2d pa  The capital messuage or manor house of Hartley, with several parcels of enclosed land, arable, pasture, meadow, wood and hop ground, with convenient out buildings, hop kilns etc containing about 190 acres, let to Mr Thomas Underhill upon lease, which expires Michaelmas 1767 at £70.  Also several pieces of arable, pasture, meadow and wood in Hartley, let to Mr John Collyer upon lease which expires at Michaelmas 1767 at the yearly rent of £42.  NB the above being the old rents for many years back, will be capable of great improvements at the expiration of the leases."

1767, December 02: Long Taxi Ride Canterbury Journal
"On Friday evening last, a substantial farmer, at Dartford in Kent, out of a frolic, gave 4 chairmen a guinea and a crown bowl of punch, to carry him from the Swan, in Chandos Street, Covent Garden, to his own house, which the chairmen, who relieved each other on the road, performed in 5 hours, arriving at their journey's end at 1 in the morning; the farmer weighed about 20 stone, and had never rode in a chair before."

1768, May 28: Dartford Market Kentish Gazette
Dartford Market prices per quarter: Wheat 56-63s , barley 26s, oats 17-18.5s, peas 24-25s

1768, June 11: Obituary of William Beddel, Dartford Cricketer Kentish Gazette
Obituary of William Beddel who lived near Dartford, aged 90, wealthy farmer and grazier, "formerly accounted the most expert cricket player in England".

1768, December 03: Roads impassable after bad weather Kentish Gazette
"We are told that the roads between Gravesend, Rochester and Chatham are almost impassable in many placces by the late violent rains."

1769, November 02: Counterfeiting Dublin Mercury
"We have received the following extraordinary intelligence from Dartford viz, that a a few days ago, a man, digging in a field near that place discovered a trap door, which having been with difficulty removed he went down a pair of stairs, and entered a large open place, where he found all sorts of materials used in coining, as also about 500 counterfeit guineas and half-guineas.  He immediately informed a justice of the affair, and diligent search has been made after the persons concerned."

1773, May 26: Property for Sale at Ash Kentish Gazette
"To be sold, together or separate: A farm called Pettins; consisting of a farm house, barn, stable, and other outhouses, and 80 acres of land and wood in the parishes of Ash next Ridley and Meopham in Kent, in the occupation of Richard Goodwin, at £40 per annum.

Also a messuage, barn, stable and about 10 acres of land in the parish of Longfield in Kent in the occupatio of Edward Batt, at £10 per annum.

Also a perpetual annuity of £4 issuing out of a farm called Warrens in the parishes of Ash, Ridley and Meopham.

For further particulars, apply to Mr Brooks, at Town Malling."

1775, March 25: Chatham to London Coach Kentish Gazette
Advert for Chatham Fly, coach to Old King's Head Inn, Borough, Southwark, via Gravesend.  Leaves Chatham 7am Mon-Sat, and Borough at 10am Mon-Sat.  Journey to London 8 hours, from London 9 hours.  Change horses at Gravesend and Welling, Fares 6s inside, 3s outside.  Parcels taken at the Swan Inn, Gravesend.

1775, April 26: Prisoners for Transportation at Maidstone Kentish Gazette
29 prisoners for transportation set off in 2 wagons from Maidstone to Gravesend.

1775, May 10: Violent Storm at Dartford Kentish Gazette
"We hear from Dartford, that several of the hop plantations and cherry orchards in and about that neighbourhood have suffered considerably by the storm on Sunday last; in many places the branches of the trees are entirely stript as if peeled with a knife"

1776, January 20: Roads impassable after bad weather Kentish Gazette
Heavy snow means carriages from London can only get as far as Northfleet, 3 carriages and mail cart stuck in snow between there and Raiham.  Snow drifts up to 20-30 feet high.

1776, December 18: Dartford Market Kentish Gazette
Dartford Market prices per quarter: Wheat 36-39s , barley 18-21s, oats 15-18.5s, rye 24-27s

1776, December 18: Theft at Longfield Kentish Gazette
"A few days ago James Ashdown, William Webb, John Squire and William Squire, were committed to Maidstone Gaol, being charged with robbin John Jewiss of 10 guineas, and about 22 shillings in silver, near Longfield..."

[Case held over until the next assizes, but accused were charged with other robberies in Longfield too - Kentish Gazette 22 March 1777.  Evenually they were cleared by the Grand Jury - Kentish Gazette 26 July 1777), the Ashdowns were a Hartley family]

1778, July 16: Fawkham Harvest Public Advertiser
Crops ripening very early this year, a field of rye was cut at Fawkham on 15 July

1778, July 22: Deserted from His Majesty's West Kent Militia Kentish Gazette
"…...James Martin, 5 feet 7 inches high, light hair, and 22 years of age, was born at Ash near Dartford, Kent…... Whoever secures any of the above deserters, so that they may be brought to justice, shall receive from the commanding officer of the said regiment at Winchester Camp, John Martin, Agent at Sigrids, No 218 Piccadilly, or of Mr Tobias Hammond at Maidstone, the sum of 20 shillings over and above what is allowed by act of parliament for apprehending deserters.  John Campbell, Adjutant, West Kent.  Winchester Camp, July 16, 1778."  [it is interesting to note that the average height of the 11 named was 5 feet 7 inches, today the average for English men is 5 feet 9 inches.  There is a James Martin christened at Ash in 1754]

1780, May 27: From Mr Howard's Appendix to his State of Prisons Kentish Gazette
"Kent: The County Gaol at Maidstone.  No alteration.  I found the gaoler attentive to cleanliness and regularity.  Clausess of the act against spirituous liquors are hung up.  The felons' appartments are the better for not having glass windows.  The wall being 3 feet and a half thick, in some measure breaks the force of the wind.  The felons' five nights rooms have double doors; but if one of them was an iron grate door (as at the new gaol at Horsham), and locked up in the day time, the rooms would freshen, and be better ventilated.  1779 April 16.  Debtors 15, Felons 23, including 14 convicts.

Dartford Bridewell.  Now there are two courts from the keeper's garden, one for each sex, with pumps and sewers and and a room in the men's court for the sick.  But th women had no mats, nor any sort of bedding.  1779 April 15, Prisoners 5."

1782, May 11: Auction of Dean Farm Kentish Gazette
"To be sold by public auction at the Rose Inn, Dartford, Saturday, the 18th of May last at 1 o'clock.  A valuable freehold estate called Dean Farm, situate in the several parishes of Horton Kirby and Fawkham, in the county of Kent, about 4 miles from Dartford, consisting of about 120 acres of arable land, and about 20 acres of wood.  The timber growing in the wood, and also the underwood, to be taken upon an appraisement, according to the custom of the country.  Further particulars may be had by applying to Mr Williams, Dartford; Mr Small, Margate; and Mr William Patteson, Canterbury."

1785, February 10: Balloon Flight to Dartford New York Journal
"The ingenious Mr Blanchard, having been disappointed by the weather on Monday, and the weather clearing up unexpectedly yesterday morning, he used the utmost diligence in gratifying the curiosity of a prodigious multitude, by ascending fromt eh Rhedarium in Park Street, Grosvenor Square, about a quarter before three o'clock.  He was accompanied by an American gentleman (an evening paper says Dr Jefferies) and proposed to make very different observations from those which have amused us from another voyager.  The wind was westerly, inclining a few points to the north, and it blew so gently tht it required very little of that skill which Mr Blanchard is known to possess, to keep him at the elevation which would be most likely to gratify the whole town, the utmost length of which he must have traversed.  Over Grosvenor Square and other places which must have appeared to him to be crowded, he rendered his balloon nearly stationary, waved his flag, and politely saluted the company, whic rent the air with their accclamations.

Though another man has profited by the public favour, for having been the first who visited our variable atmosphere, Mr Blanchard is by far the most expert and accomplished aerial traveller we have seen in England.  Besides an exquisite mechanic, he is the inventor of that species of oars or wings, which alon3 have hitherto found of any material utility.  He is sufficiently a philosopher to know the use of a thermometer, barometer, compass etc, which another traveller it seems forgot.  We should not have hnted at these points of comparison, if Mr Blanchard's merit had been properly distinguished.

The whole neighbourhood of Grosvenor Square was astonishingly crowded by the best and worst company of the land.   We are glad to find the Prince of Wales loses no opportunity of countenancing these scientific attempts.  Knowledge is friendly to both public and private; and is the best instrument to rescue a young man from bad company and bad counsels.

Soon after Mr Blanchard's balloon was launched, two small balloons were let off, which ascended perpendicularly with great velocity.  They passed the large balloon, which at that time was going almost horizontally, and thereby proved that the large balloon was not under the influence of the wind, but under that of Mr Blanchard himself who was guiding it.

About three o'clock the balloon passed over the city, in an eastern direction.  Several reports were circulated last night of its descent; but none were authentic where this paper went to press.

The weather being hazy, prevented the inhabitants of the city having a distinct view of the balloon while it was passing over the metropolis.  When the balloon was at a considerable height, the exercise of the oars was plainly perceived, which seemed evidently to accelerate Mr Blanchard's motion.  He expressed a determination to let the balloon take as far a course as possible, while he had a ray of light to guide him.  He was provided with sufficient refreshments, instruments for observations, and defences against the cold and inclemency which he expected to experience.

This day at a quarter past two o'clock Mr Blanchard returned in a post-chaise and four, from Dartford in Kent, where he landed from his balloon yesterday about dusk.

[This has clearly been copied from another paper as the balloon flight acutally took place on 30 November 1784.  He landed at Ingress Abbey.  The same paper of 21 April 1785 has a short comment from Mr Jefferies.]

1785, April 21: Balloon Flight to Dartford New York Journal
Balloon flight from London to Stone in Dartford

1785, August 02: Farm to let at Ash Kentish Gazette
"To be let and entered upon at michaelmas next.  A farm situated in the parishes of Wrotham and Ash, consisting of upwards of 400 acres of arable, pasture and wood.  A good house and suitable buildings thereon, all in a ring fence, and in good condition.  For further particulars, enquire of Messrs Smith and Williams, at Dartford."

1785, August 20: Hop Harvest Ipswich Journal
"Apprehensions are entertained that the hop grounds of Kent, and particularly about Dartford, will not yield anything near the produce that has for some time been expected, owing to the vines being encumbered with that destructive insect called the black fly."

1786, January 23: National Lottery Winner Hampshire Chronicle
"English State Lottery to begin drawing the 6th February 1786.  Equitable Society of Lottery Adventurers, held at 59 Bishopsgate, London.  Mr W Hickson, Secretary.  The Managers and Directors of this society most respectfully beg leave to acquaint the public that they have established and resolved on the following tables of dividends for the present lottery..... [prizes range from £50 to £20,000, they also warn about impersonators who have swindled a thousand people].....The managers and directors of this society therefore hope it will not be thought improper in them, to assure the public, that the proprietors are men of the first credit and reputation,  and that all their concerns in the lottery line for 16 years past have been conducted upon the most honourable terms; and in the last lotteries (only) they paid the following dividends on capital prizes viz...  a prize of £20,000 to Mr James Winson, near Dartford....."

[James Winson was born in Ridley in 1751 and married there in 1783.  According to Proudfoot he lived at Ridley Court.  He moved to Farningham some time after 1792 where he died in 1829, but left money to the parish of his birth.  The £20,000 prize is worth about £2 million today.  A similar advert in the Northampton Mercury 2.12.1786 infers he was the head of a syndicate James Winson had £6,000 in savings when he died.]

1786, March 14: Attack on Servant of Lawrence Holker Kentish Gazette
"On Sunday the 26th ult between 9 and [..] o'clock in the evening, as George Tantt, coachman to Laurence Holker esq of Bexley, in this county, having driving his master home from a neighbouring house where he had dined, and having put the horses in the stable, within a hundred yards of his master's house (having a lanthorn with a li[...] candle in it) he was suddenly, and without any [....] being spoken, shot at; he just saw a man fire [...] could not perceive whether it was from a gun or pistol; nor had he any distinct view of the man so [...] know him again.  The lanthorn was shot from his hand, which he vound in the road next morning much shattered; and upon his crying out murder [...] person who shot at him immediately ran off, and [...] not since been discovered."

[Lawrence Holker owned Blue House Farm, Church Road, Hartley - now Mintmakers]

1787, April 23: Boxing and Cricket at the Brent Charleston Morning Post
"The old English athletic exercise, the science of boxing, was yesterday exhibited in its highest perfection, at Dartford in Kent, between Ben from Kingswood near Bristol, and Tring, whose fame has long been recognised as an adept in that art.  The place chosen was upon the Brink (sic) where the gentlemen in the neighbourhood play their cricket matches.  The ground was railed in, and at 2 o'clock the competitors appeared in the ring.  The battle was for 20 guineas.  A great number of gentlemen attended.  After the first round, which was merely an introduction to a more serious affair, the combatants closed.  Tring threw the first fall.  Ben was successful in the second.  A dreadful combat then ensued, in which the odds varied on either side.  It continued for 25 minutes; in the course of which victory alternately seemed to incline; but at the last the superior strength and dexterity of Ben prevailed, and Tring was taken from the field, totally disabled, though not disheartened."

[The American paper appears to have copied this from an English paper, e.g. Ipswich Journal 16.12.1786.  A shorter article in the Kentish Gazette of 15.12.1786 says his name was Hercules Ben and he was a coalheaver]

1788, August 01: Daring Robbery at Dartford Kentish Gazette
"We hear from Dartford in Kent, that on Monday morning, about 3 o'clock, a most daring robbery was committed in the very centre of the town, by 5 ruffians, armed with pistols and cutlasses, who broke into the dwelling house of Miss Pettits, by forcing through several doors on the back part thereof, and went to the bedchamber where the ladies slept; one of the fellows seized one of the ladies by the throat, while another stood over them with a pistol, and swore he would blow out their brains, if they did not immediately discover where their money was kept; during which time the other 3 ruffians broke open the bureau, and all the drawers in the room, but could not find any money, exept a trifle that was in the two Miss Pettit's pockets.  The ladies were so very much terrified that they screamed out, which alarmed the maid servant in the next room, who immediately went to the window, and calling to a collar maker living opposite to the house, for assistance, he rang an alarm bell, which soon brought together many of the inhabitants; notwithstanding which all the theives found means to make their escape, and were afterwards seen at the back part of town, though not one of them was apprehended when this intelligence came to hand.  It is supposed these villans livind in that neighbourhood.  London even."  [Interesting reference to an alarm bell to call the neighbours for help]

1789, March 17: Dartford Celebrations for King's Recovery Kentish Gazette
"Extract of a letter from Dartford, March 14.  'It would be the height of injustice not to mention themanner in which the inhabitants of Dartford celebrated the grand festival of his majesty's recovery on Tuesday last.  The church was elegantly illuminated.  On the top, in large transparent letters was 'Long live the King' oever which was placed a crown; and on the steeple was displayed the union flag.  As soon as the lights were adjusted, and excellent band of music played 'God save the King;' while the populace drank this Majesty's health with loud huzza's from two hogsheads of beer given by Messrs Fleet and Tasker.  Rockets and many other fireworks were exhibited, accompanied by a discharge of one-and-twenty cannon.

The music paraded the principal street, followed by a great concourse of people, whose minds were so elated with joy on this auspicious event, the brimful of loyalty and affection for their beloved sovereign every quarter of the town resounded with 'God save the king;' 'Long live the King;' 'May the king live forever.'  High and low, rich and poor, were blended together, and reciprocal congratulations was the business of the evening.  Not a house but was illuminated, and to the honour of the plebeians be it forever recorded, they testified their joy to the utmost extent of their abilities.  Every loyal toast that could be thought of was drank, at the Crown, by the gentlemen of the town; and the evening concluded with universal joy by all ranks of people'."  [This related to George III's first spell of mental illness]

1789, August 04: Theft at Hartley Kentish Gazette
Summer Assizes: Thomas Wood for stealing a fat hog from Thomas Edmeads of Hartley - discharged by proclamation

1790, July 06: Tollgates on Dartford Turnpike Kentish Gazette
Tollgates on Dartford to Sevenoaks turnpike to be let, previous yearly rents: Orange Tree (£152), Darenth (£152), Eynsford (£46), St Johns (£73.10), Warren House (£73.10)

1790, October 18: Explosion at Dartford Powder Mills Hampshire Chronicle
"Between 4 and 5 o'clock in the afternoon, of the 12th inst the people of Dartford and in the neighbourhood, were terribly alarmed by the blowing up of Mr Pegu's [should be Pigou] Powder Mills, within a short mile of that town.  The houses there were shaken to their foundations, as if by an earthquake, and a number of windows were broken by the explosion.  The Mills which were 4 in number, contained a large quantity of powder, and powder in preparation.  Mr Tollis, the foreman of the works, lost his life; as did also 6 of the workmen, whose remains were soon found scattered at various distances, and shockingly mangled.  Some of them have left large families.  The workmen who were in the 3 mills that took fire from the first, had time to make their escape, as there was a bout half a minute between each explosion.  to those who heard it at the distance of 7 or 8 miles, it was not unlike the regular firing of a man of war, only much louder.  When the whole was over, an immense cloud was seen rising from the spot, which darkened the whole atmosphere.  The manner in which this accident happened, it is impossible to tell; for those immediately concerned were the unfortunate sufferers."

1790, October 22: Drovers robbed Kentish Gazette
"On Saturday morning last, about 4 o'clock Mr Goldsmith of Lydd, and William Curteis of Tenterden, drovers, were going to London with a drove of sheep, they were stopped near the Nag's Head at Lee Green, near Blackheath by 3 footpads, dressed in sailors' clothes, who robbed Mr Goldsmith of £15 12s 6d, but Curteis, telling them he was only a servant, and had no money, they threw him down, and with horrid imprecations threatened his life, gave him a large cut on the hand, and then told him to go about his business."

1790, October 22: Gunpowder Mills at Dartford Kentish Gazette
"No certain accounts can be given of the manner by which the fatal spark was communicated to the Powder Mills at Dartford, last week; the corning house was the first building that blew up.  No work was carrying on in that place at the time at which the accident happended; it is therefore supposed that some electric fire had entered the building, and ignited the loose gunpowder.  From hence the explosion instantly communicated itself to the stoves, to five powder mills, to a close magazine containing 25 barrels of gunpowder, which from their confined state spread dreadful devastation around.  The stoves, corning house, and magazines were instantly levelled with the earth.  The strong beams were shivered in pieces, and thrown everywhere around to a considerable distance; and broken bricks, tiles, and pieces of wood showered ruin on the neighbouring fields.  The doors of the magazine which stands at a small distance from the works to the SW up the river, and which contains nearly 200 barrels of gunpowder, were forced open by the explosion, but the wind blowing with great violence from that quarter, providentially prevented the flash from reaching it; for had it communicated with this last, the whole town of Dartford would probably have been laid in ruins.  Seven men were destroyed in the dreadful havock, most of whom have left wives and families behind them.  The foreman of the works has left a wife and 7 children."

1790, November 02: Canterbury to London Time Trial Kentish Gazette
"Canterbury, Nov 2.  Particulars of Mr Foster Powell's pedestrian journey to London and back again, for a wager of 60 guineas - the time allowed him 24 hours - the distance 112 miles.  At 10 o'clock precisely on Thursday morning last, he set off from the Dolphin Inn, in this city; the crowd assembled to see him was immense, and to prevent being incommoded by them, he ran very fast through the city.  At the distance of 3 miles he had left behind all the pedestrians who set out with him to try their abilities in that way, and had nobody in his company but a few horsemen, one of whom accompanied him through the journey.  At 4 minutes past 12 he reached Sittingbourn, and at 3 o'clock arrived at the Beefsteak House beyond Rochester, distance from Canterbury 30 miles, where he dined; after stopping there about a quarter of an hour he set forward again, and reached Dartford 25 minutes past five.  In going over Blackheath, owing to the darkness of the night, he fell down several times, and unfortunately between the 6th and 7th milestone lost his road, and turned down to Greenwich; he went all round Greenwich Hospital, which was 2 miles out of his road, and reached St George's Church in the Borough a minutes before 9 o'clock.  He stopped at the Griffin Inn, and by the imprudent interference of some friends, was prevailed on to undress and lay down an hour, to this, he in a great measure attributes his failure, as besides the loss of time it afforded him no kind of refreshment.  He then set off again on his return, and reached Dartford at 23 minutes past 1; the night proved very stormy, and the wind so exceedingly powerful at times as to prevent his making way against it.   In returning through Rochester the clock struck 5.  He reached Sittingbourne about a quarter past 7, and arrived to within a mile and three-quarters of the place from when he set out when his time expired.  In 20 minutes more he would have completed his journey.  On being informed that the clock had gone 10, tho' he was then running a smart pace, it had such an effect upon him that he was scarse able to stand - his friends then put him into a chaise and brought him to the Dolphin, so much overcome that he was obliged to be carried upstairs and put to bed.

In losing this wager Powell has certainly lost none of his credit as a pedestrian - he wen tover more ground by going through Greenwich, than if had completed his journey in the specified time without losing his road; and when it is considered that he had to encounter a very long, dark and stormy night, it must be allowed that he accomplished more than ever he had done before.  This extraordinary man is now nearly 60 years of age, and thought numerous opportunities have presented themselves of making a fortune by his pedestrian abilities, his circumstances are by no means eay.  A high sense of integrity never would permit him to stake more money on the performance of a journey than he could afford pay if he lost; and if report says true, he has more than once resisted a considerable temptation to play booty.  In all his preceding journeys he never had more than 5 or 10 pound depending, but on the present, so confident was he of succeeding, that he deposited a stake of 24 guineas.

The inhabitants of this city and its neighbourhood, as a compliment to Powell's integrity, have generously entered into a subscription to mitigate the mortification of his loss, nearly 50 pounds have been collected and paid him, for which he desires us to make his grateful acknowledgements - he likewise begs us publicly to express his thanks to the personwho accompanied him on horseback, for his unremitting attention to him through the journey."

[Foster Powell (1734-1793) was born in Yorkshire and lived in London.  He is honoured with a memorial in St Paul's Cathedral.  See Wikipedia Article.  Even today 112 miles in 24 miles on a well lit level running track would be very respectable (the world record is 192 miles, top runners would cover 124 miles), but Mr Powell's route was dark enough to fall and lose his way and certainly not level, the surface less smooth, and in atrocious weather conditions for part of the race.  Judging from the return times he was still on target at Dartford, but the weather and perhaps tiredness finally defeated him]

1791, March 22: Hartley Court for Sale Kentish Gazette
"Kent - by Mr Christie at his Great Room, Pall Mall, on Thursday March the 24th in 2 lots at 1 o'clock precisely.

The following freehold estates, situate in the parishes of Ridley and Hartley, about 20 miles from London, 6 from Dartford and 4 from the turnpike road leading from London to Rochester, let on leases which will shortly expire, at very low old rents of £350, but of nearly the annual value of double that sum.

Lot 1 - A freehold estate, consisting of the manor of Ridley, with Court Leet and Court Baron, quitrents, fines and royalties; plentifully stocked with game, excellent farm house with ouhouses etc, and 504 acres of rich arable, meadow, pasture, hop and woodland; compact within aring fence, let to Mr James Wimson, on lease for 21 years, which will expire at Michaelmas next, at a low rent of £200.  Also the Rectory of the parish, of the annual value of £126 subject to the life of the present incumbent, aged between 50 and 60 years.

Lot 2 A desirable freehold estate, consisting of the Manor of Hartley Court, with quit rents etc, an elegant new built house, with suitable offices, and 404 acres of rich arable, meadow, pasture, hop and woodland, compact within a ring fence, let on lease for 21 years, 3 of which will be unexpired at Michaelmas next, at a low old rent of £150, capable of considerable improvements.

The tenants will shew the estate, and printed particulars will be ready by the 1st of March, and may be had of the printers of the Canterbury, Maidstone and Lewes papers, of Mr Charles Willord, Sevenoaks, of Mr Williams of Dartford, the Rainbow Coffee House, Cornhill, and in Pall Mall where a plan may be seen."

1791, August 30: Travelling Kentish Gazette
"To those ladies and gentlemen who travel from Dover, Deal, Ramsgate, Margate and Canterbury to London.

The many gross impositions that are practised upon strangers travelling in almost every country, has made it necessary to publish, for their benefit and consideration, the different modes of conveyance from Dover, Deal, Ramsgate, Margate and Canterbury to London, and the expenses of each.

There are two modes of conveyance, either by the common stages,  or by post-chaises.  By the common stage, you are classed with company of every description; and who very frequently turn out disagreeable.  You are also paid no attention to where you stop, although you pay exhorbitant for refreshment; and, besides your fare, have a considerable sum of money to pay for luggage.

On the contrary, if two or three persons chuse to travel together, they may, by taking post chaise, not only avoid all those incoveniences.  In adopting the first stile of travelling in this kingdom, but suit their own convenience in point of time, and be at a less expense; as the following statement will sufficiently prove; besides meeting with the genteelest treatment at the inns on the road.

From Dover to London by Post Chaise with 3 passengers and luggage: Dover to Canterbury (16 miles) - £1 0s 0d; Canterbury to Sittingbourn (16 miles) - 16 shillings; Sittingbourn to Rochester (11 miles) - 11 shillings; Rochester to Dartford (15 miles) - 15 shillings; Dartford to London Bridge (15 miles) - 15 shillings; Postboys, 5 stages - 10 shillings; 7 turnpikes - 4 shillings.  Total £4 11s 0d

3 passengers by the mail coach or diligence from Dover to London - £3 10s 0d.  Suppose every passenger to have 100lb weight more than is allowed at 1½ per lb - £1 17s 6d.  Coachman all the way at 2s - 6 shillings.  Guard, 1s 6d each - 4s 6d.  Total £5 18s 6d.

The balance in favour of travelling, by post chaise from Dover to London is £1 7s 6d........."

1791, October 07: Hartley Court for Sale Kentish Gazette
"To be let or sold, and possession had immediately.  Hartley Court Farm, consisting of about 400 acres of arable, pasture and woodland, in the parish of Hartley, about 6 miles from Dartford and 5 from Wrotham.  Likewise to be sold Ridley Court Farm, consisting of about 500 acres of arable, pasture and woodland, situate in the parish of Ridley, about 1 mile west of the above farm.  For particulars apply Mr Hogben, land survey, at Boughton near Faversham, who has maps of the estates."

1793, June 14: Lack of Respect Kentish Gazette
"On Wednesday last as Mr Joseph Baldock, coachmaster of one of the Canterbury coaches, was in a jocose mood teasing one of the maids at an Inn in Dartford, by drawing his whip over her face, she told him if he would not be quiet she would throw a knife at him - which threat he disregarded, and she accordingly did throw the knife, which stuck in his loin near 3 inches deep, and with great difficulty was taken out; the effusion of blood was very great, and his life thereby much endangered."

1794, May 09: Swaisland - Armstrong Wedding Kentish Gazette
"On Tuesday last was married at Southfleet Church by the Rev P Rashleigh, W Armstrong esq to Miss Swaisland (a young lady possessed of every accomplishment to render the marriage state happy), both of the same place."

[Their children ultimately inherited Blue House Farm in Hartley.]

1794, November 21: Sale of Speedgate Farm Kentish Gazette
"To be sold by auction, at the Rose Inn, Dartford, on Saturday, the 29th day of November 1794, between the hours of 3 and 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

A freehold estate; consisting of a house, barn, stable, and other suitable outbuildings, and about 135 acres of arable, pasture and woodland, of which 55 acres of thereabouts are wood, situate at Speedgate, in the several parishes of Farningham, Horton Kirby, and Fawkham in the county of Kent, late in the occupation of Mr William Staines, deceased..... [Also leasehold Charton Farm in Farningham on "the great road from London to Maidstone"].. Further details may be had by applying to Mr Staines, Dandelion, Margate; Mr Thomas Fuller, Farmingham, or Mr John Williams, Dartford."

1796, July 16: The Case of the Labouring Poor Briefly Considered Cambridge Intelligencer
"A short time since as I was travelling into Kent, the leisure which the necessary rest of my horses afforded, induced me to take a ramble into the country near Dartford, where I might not only see the adjoining country which seldom falls to the lot of persons who pass through post towns, but might also observe something of the situation of the peasantry, always interesting, because too often neglected.

I had passed over several fields full of the luxuriance of nature, and teeming their produce into maturity with a prolific rapidity, that the soft rains after a dry introduction to spring, had greatly tended to facilitate.  Upon the verge of these fields, I pursued a narrow road or cartway till I reached a small river called the Dart or Darent, which waters this fertile valley; as I stretched along its banks, a small village presented itself at a short distance, whose retired tranquility invited me to its shades.

But whatever may have been the charms of this distant prospect, trouble and distress arrested both my eyes and ears as I approached.

There was a row of 6 small cottages; the first was shut up and the door fastened by a padlock; on a broken bench near the green yard in front, sat a woman, whose condition was such as always ensures the protction and assistance of every humane person, near to her stood a little girl, too young to know the reasons of her mother's distress; and not far from thence, a fresh coloured boy of about 10 years of age, shaking his father's hands which were clasped together, with his eyes fixed on the ground, in order to extort from his closed lips an answer to his hapless question, what he proposed to do for the night?

It would have been unnatural, if I had not instantly become one of the party; it needed little enquiry to learn, that the landlord had seized all their little store of furniture, and had locked the door on them without shelter, food or bed for the night!  The rent had been 2 quarters in arrear, the expenses of a former lying in not yet recovered, and another labour daily expected!

Oh! Ye, who in this perilous state, have every comfort your hearts can fancy, for whom every medical and friendly aid are procured without alloy, whom the gifts of affluence chear (sic) in the hour of your agonising throes; think upon those, who, like this object of misery, were unprepared with even a bed to lie down upon, or a decent covering for the babe that was bursting into birth!

Two women from adjoining cottages approached themm with unaffected goodness, and prevailed on their neighbour to accept the little accommodations they could afford.  I assisted in leading her in; a neat room paved with brick, and a bed in one corner was all that they had, betides their charitable hospality to offer; and while one disposed thus of her afflicted sister, the other divided their families in such a manner as to afford accommodation in both cottages for them all.

The rent that was due amounted to £4, which I gave to the husband, and left them." (Anonymous writer)

1796, August 15: Sale of Advowson of Hartley London Daily Advertiser
"Valuable Advowson, Kent by Messrs Skinner, Dyke and Skinner.  At Garraway's on Wednesday, August 17, at 12 o'clock, by order of the executors and trustees of Mr Richard Forrest late of Greenhithe, deceased.

The valuable advowson and next presentation to the rectory of Hartley, situate 5 miles from Northfleet and Southfleet, 6 from Greenhithe, and within 10 miles of Rochester.  A beautiful, fine, healthy part of the county of Kent, comprising the great and small tithes of the parish, containing about 1,200 acres of excellent land, with the parsonage house and offices, 9 acres of glebe land, tithe barn, and proper buildings, the income about £220 per annum.  The present incumbent aged 45 years.....

[An advowson of a church is a right to appoint the next vicar.  They still exist today but the rights are much more limited.  Now if a new rector is not appointed within a fixed time, the right goes to the local bishop which is what happened here.  Hartley Church advowson now belongs to the Bishop of Rochester.  As it turned out the buyer had a long time to wait to exercise the power as Rev Bradley, the rector in 1796 continued here for another 30 years]

1797, May 20: Sale of Pennis Farm Fawkham Times
"Kent - by Mr Smith at Garraways on Tuesday May 30th at 12 o'clock in a lot:

An eligible and improveable freehold estate, comprising Pennis Farm, situate in the parishes of Fawkham, Ash, Hartley and Longfield, 20 miles from London and 3 from Farningham, in the county of Kent, with a spacious residence, offices, barns, stabling and out-buildings and 26 acres of arable and pasture land, including a quanitity of woodland, containing upwards of 111 acres, well stocked with fine thriving timber and underwood, part let at low rents amounting to £80 per annum, and remainder with the woodland in hand.  To be viewed 20 days preceeding the sale and particulars then had, at the Bull, Farningham; Maidstone; Crays; Bell, Bromley; at Garraways and of Mr Smith, 62 Broad Street, near the Royal Exchange."

1797, December 09: A Drover with Epilepsy New York Diary
"One day last week as Mr Small, of Swanscombe, near Dartford, was walking out in the fields, he found a man lying cold and lifeless, he had him conveyed to a public house near the church, when it appearing to the satisfaction of every person present, that he was completely dead.  His jaw was tied up, and he was put into the stable till the coroner could be sent for; but the astonishment of the good people of the inn, the next morning, they found the man alive, who informed them that he was a drover, that he was subject to those sort of fits, and has sometimes lain for 40 hours together without the least sign of life."

1798, July 06: Sale of Stocks Farm Kentish Gazette
"KENT: To be sold by auction, by Mr Johnson, at the Rose Inn, at Dartford, on Saturday, the 14th of July 1798, at three o'clock -

A valuable and desirable freehold estate called Stock Hill Farm, in the occupation of the proprietor; situate in the parish of Hartley, 5 miles from Dartford and 6 from Gravesend; comprising a new brick-built dwelling house, a large barn, stable, etc, with 19 acres of arable land, in a high state of cultivation, 1 acre of woodland, a garden and orchard well planted with fruit trees, and lying near the house.

Green Field (5a 2r 0p)
Two Acre Field (4a 2r 0p)
Five Acre Field (6a 0r 0p)
Wood Field (2a 0r 0p)
Orchard Field (1a 0r 0p)
Woodland (1a 0r 0p)
Orchard, garden and barnyard (1a 0r 0p)
Acres 21a 0r 0p

May be viewed by applying to Mr Treadwell, Black Lion, Hartley, and particulars held at the place of sale; Ship, Green Street Green; Queen's Head, Northfleet; and of the auctioneer, Gravesend."

1798, November 06: Land Tax Redemption and Sale Kentish Gazette
"The commissioners appointed by his majesty's warrant, for the purpose of redeeming and selling the Land Tax arising within the county of Kent, by virtue of an act passed in the 38th year of his present majesty's reign, intitled 'An Act for making perpetual, subject to redemption and purchase in manner therein stated, the several sums of money now charged in Great Britain as a Land Tax for 1 year from the 25th day of March 1798', do hereby give notice that they will hold meetings for carrying into execution the powers of the said act within this county at the times and places undermentioned, and will enter on business precisely at 10 o'clock on each day of meeting.  And all persons, desirous of redeeming their land tax, are to come prepared with certificates of the particulars and amount of the tax they shall desire to redeem, which certificates may be obtained by application to the Clerks to the Commissioners of the Land Tax, acting for the respective divisions.....

For Dartford Division at the Bull, Dartford, Thursday, 8th November next..... Oct 23, 1798."

1799, June 25: National Lottery Winner Kentish Gazette
"On Saturday died at Dartford _____ [Henry] Lintott, formerly shoemaker and innkeeper in that town, but from misfortunes etc reduced to be a beadle of the place.  He was going into the poor house in the year 1792, when getting a sixteenth share of a prize of £30,000 in that Lottery, he paid all his debts, put his family into respectable lines of business, and lived comfortably on the interest of the money."

1799, July 23: Sale of Pettings, Ash Kentish Gazette
"To be sold by auction, by Mr Young, at Garraway's Coffee House, Cornhill, London on Wednesday the 31st oof July, 1799 at 12 o'clock: A desirable freehold farm called Pettins, situate in the parish of Ash, 4 miles from Wrotham, 5 fram Farningham and Dartford, and 22 from London; consisting of a capital farm house with suitable buildings, and 108 acres of land, on lease to Mr Thorpe, which will expire on the 10th October 1802, at an old rent of £52.  The tenant will shew the estate; and printed particulars may be had at the Bull, Wrotham; Bull, Farningham; Rose, Dartford; at Garraways; and of Mr Young, no 58, Chancery Lane, London."

1799, November 26: Shop for Sale at Dartford Kentish Gazette
"To Ironmongers, Braziers, Tinmen etc.  Lease of a captial shop and stock, Dartford, Kent.  To be sold by auction, by Mr Charles Turner on Saturday, Nov 30, 1799, between the hours of 4 and 5 o'clock in the afternoon (unless previously disposed of by private contract, of which timely notice will be given) at Mr Syllibourn's, the Marquis of Granby Inn, Dartford, Kent, subject to such conditions, as will be then and there produced:

The unexpired term of 20 years, at Michaelmas last, of a large and commodious shop in the ironmongery, braziery, hardware and tinware business, in a captial situation for trade; being the centre of Dartford, a populous town, with a large weekly corn market, well attended by opulent farmers.  The house consistes of a large shop, parlour, kitchen, and other conveniences on the ground floor; 4 chambers, 2 dressing rooms, 2 garrets and a very large cellar.  The stock consists of a genuine and prime assortment of fresh goods in the ironmongery and hardware businesses, well worth the attention of any person who wants a situation.  The stock in trade to be taken by appraisement; coming in about £400 for stock, but, if more, the surplus may remain any length of time required.  The premises and stock may be viewed by leave of the tenant.  For further particulars, or to treat by private contract, please to apply to the auctioneer, Rochester."

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